
Proposed updates to off-street parking

Paula Carlsen
Community Voice

Burnsville’s off-street parking/burnsvillemn.gov
BURNSVILLE, MN — The City Council is updating the off-street parking standards and requirements for the City of Burnsville.

This has been an ongoing process that began in 2019. These activities included feedback from developers and business owners, reviewing both local and national trends and practices, and doing staff research to give the best solution to the community.

The proposed changes are meant to update Burnsville’s off-street parking to make it more pedestrian and transit-friendly, updating on the development policies so it will no longer result in an underutilized parking spot, and last by giving flexibility to users on the underutilized parking spots.

So far, the City Council is planning to throw out an old-fashion parking ordinance that is no longer in line with current and modern practices, reduce regulatory and administrative barriers to development, and offer flexibility with development requirements that align with the city’s goals and policy.

The City Council is also working to reduce paved surfaces within the city while at the same time still trying to meet user demand for parking in reaching the city’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

Prior to updating the proposed off-street parking changes and goals, they asked for feedback from the community through surveys (last collected on Tuesday, January 28, 2021). The council held a public hearing on the matter at the Burnsville Planning Commission on Monday, February 10, 2021.

As of the present, the plan specifically focuses on areas outside the heart of the city.

For inquiries about this matter, email Sarah Arnold sarah.arnold@burnsvillemn.gov or call 952-895-4424.

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Paula Carlsen
Minnesota native at home in the Twin Cities!