Brandon man documents epic Waffle House saga after finishing last in fantasy football league

Amy Christie
Dallas-based writer and poet

Fantasy Football punishments for coming in last have gotten highly creative in the last few years and a Brandon man discovered just what it feels like to go in for a full 24 hours in a Waffle House. Unless you eat your way out of it.

What are the details?

Journalist Lee Sanderlin got “sentenced” to spend 24 hours in a Waffle House after losing his fantasy football league. The one silver lining was that Sanderlin could shave off one hour from the 24-hour interval with each waffle he ate.

What sounded like a tasty way out soon turned out to be a considerable burden as the journalist navigated his way out through several waffle plates. The one thing that helped him get through the challenge was posting about it live on social media.

“I am coming to you live from a Brandon, Mississippi Waffle House. I, a total loser, came in last place in my fantasy football league. As punishment, I spend 24 hours in a Waffle House. Every waffle I eat shaves an hour off the clock. It's 4:07 Central,” Sanderlin posted.

After an hour and a half, he had managed to eat four waffles, but that left him feeling “immense discomfort.” Sanderlin managed to cut the four hours but was feeling defeated.

However, as soon as someone used the restaurant's digital jukebox to play the motivational “Eye of the Tiger,” he got a surge of energy and ordered his fifth waffle.

Almost three hours into the Waffle House saga the man started asking social media users for prayers and support.

“Y'all they're going down like cement now, and the heart is beating really heavy. I'm the only non-employee in here. Got half of waffle 6 left and so many hours,” he wrote.

With each passing hour and an extra waffle ordered Sanderlin got closer to his target, but also suspected he may be transforming into maple syrup very soon.

At 1 a.m. he discovered that it’s no fun being in a Waffle House when all the staff is taking their breaks. “This Waffle House doesn’t feel like a waffle home with no one here,” he posted.

In an early morning rally the journalist managed to eat two more waffles and the suspense increased.

After 9 waffles and 15 hours spent on the Waffle House “mission”, Lee Sanderlin accomplished his goal.

“Full of waffles but devoid of life. I recommend absolutely no one do this,” was his sage advice to all the fans he gathered during the Brandon waffles challenge.

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Amy Christie
Passionate about bringing a sense of community and positive connections.