
Walmart teams up with drone delivery company in Bentonville, service could start in “coming months”

Amy Christie
Dallas-based writer and poet

The world’s largest retailer, based in Bentonville, Arkansas, stated this week that it has invested in drone delivery company DroneUp and is considering future nationwide deliveries, as reported BY Fox News.

Walmart has been using the same drone company last year for a pilot program that ensured delivery of COVID-19 test kits on customers’ doorsteps.

“The trial demonstrated we could offer customers delivery in minutes versus hours. Now, after safely completing hundreds of drone deliveries from Walmart stores, we’re making an investment in DroneUp to continue our work toward developing a scalable last-mile delivery solution,” Walmart U.S. CEO and President John Furner stated.

Furner also pointed out that Walmart has significant infrastructure already in place and it includes 4,700 stores with more than 100,000 items available. The large retailer also has a store within 10 miles of 90% of the U.S. population.

“This makes us uniquely positioned to execute drone deliveries, which is why our investment in DroneUp won’t just apply to the skies but also the ground,” he added.

The CEO revealed that Walmart would start teaming up with the drone delivery company at a store close to its headquarters “in the coming months.”

DroneUp currently operates commercially throughout the U.S., and it was the first to use the FAA 107.39 waiver, an operation which allows for delivery flights to take place over moving vehicles and people, the Bentonville-based retailer concluded in the statement.

Other major retailers have announced similar programs, the drone move being part of a strategy meant to expand e-commerce operations.

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Amy Christie
Passionate about bringing a sense of community and positive connections.