5 Healthy Forms of Escapism to Get Away from it All

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Our lives can be extremely overwhelming at any point in time — an unexpected death, a failing grade on a test, let go from a job, even a robbery. 

We need an outlet to destress and unwind if we want to overcome these short-term stressors and succeed in the long run. 

If you’re someone who feels trapped in your own world and can’t break out, I would consider reading on five healthy forms of escapism. 

1. Listen to inspirational music.

Personally, EDM music makes me feel complete bliss. It puts you in a flow state where incredible sounds drown out all the problems in your life. 

There are millions and billions of songs out there. Take a few moments to discover a new sound that you can listen to on your commutes, in bed, nature walks, or any other situation.

2. Discover new movies or TV shows that align with your goals.

There are plenty of movies and TV shows that appeal to all types of audiences. Personally, movies like Pursuit of Happiness, Limitless, or Wolf of Wall Street energize me and bring out the motivated entrepreneur inside of me. 

Once you find your niche and source of inspiration, you replicate the positive lessons from these creations — you begin to become what you consume.

3. Play interesting video games that force you to think.

Video games that allow you to utilize some source of psychology and planning are great for the brain. It’s a simulation on a screen that you can apply to your regular life. 

Games like Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Little Big Planet, and The Last of Us are great games that you can use to think outside the box and react accordingly. 

4. Explore nature without a plan. 

Grab your walking shoes, pick a location and go adventure. Not everything needs a plan. Nature is one of the greatest forms of exercise and escapism because you leave the “real world” and experience a whole other side of life.

Personally, I love going for runs into forest preserves, skipping rocks at the lake, climbing up mountains, and so much more. It makes me feel like I’m in a movie and that my life is a movie. A big plus is that this is free for anyone.

5. Free-write any and everything you can think of.

Writing is one of my favorite forms of escapism because my brain blocks out everything else and allows me to focus on what’s happening inside my head. Sometimes I discover thoughts I never knew I had. Other times, I make sense of the things I already knew and build my confidence. 

Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, the act of writing is very therapeutic. It’s practically free and just requires some time, patience, and intense thinking. This can be a daily, healthy form of escapism. 

Final Thought

Escapism has a bad reputation sometimes. People don’t think there’s a good way to utilize it. It’s only seen as a distraction in many cases, but you can tailor it according to your lifestyle, dreams, and aspirations, as I shared above. 

Use escapism in your favor to unlock the person you want to become. Gone are the days where you feel stagnant or that you aren’t progressing in your life.

Choose your escapism wisely and trust that it will open doors you never expected to open. 

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.