
Best and Worst State: Pros and Cons of Living in Montana

Visual Freedom
Community Voice
Kevin Schmid/Unsplash

In contrast to other parts of the United States, Montana is an undamaged state. Since the vast Gold, sapphires, and silver are among the precious minerals it possesses in great abundance, earning it the nickname 'The Treasure State' because of its minerals, including gold, sapphires, and silver, it has always been known as 'The Treasure State.' 

Its name comes from the vast plains that provide a stunning view of the endless sky.

Review the information below, and making a decision will be much easier.

Here are a few of the pros and cons of living in Montana. Let us start with the pros below:

1. Friendly people

Montanans are generally friendly people. It doesn't matter if they don't know who you are, they usually have an excellent way of waiting for you. In a diner, it is common for people to chat with strangers to pass the time. It may seem quite different here, compared to the Northeast or Pacific Northwest, where people sometimes stick to their comfort zones.

2. Neighbors are helpful and generous

In Montana, you will find that neighbors rely on one another to get through difficult times. It is not uncommon to hear someone knock on your door when they need help out in the fields or need assistance with their vehicle. You can make a positive impact on your neighborhood, community, or ranching area if you have a specific skill to offer. Every household has an equal chance to succeed here due to a genuine attitude that encourages community members to lift one another.

On the other hand, here are some of the drawbacks of living in Montana:

1. You must be self-sufficient in Montana.

A power outage following a storm that causes the lights to go out for several days is not uncommon in the rural areas of Montana. Due to the weather you can find here, your car battery might freeze and fail to start. When you have a residence in the state, you must have the basic survival supplies you need for at least seven days. Keeping at least three days' worth of reserves in your vehicle will also help. You don't have to become a doomsday prepper to deal with this disadvantage, but it may be some time before you can find help.

2. Public transportation is pretty much useless.

You can forget about living in Montana without owning a vehicle, unless you plan to live in Helena and never leave. Winters can be brutal here, so you almost always need to have a four-wheel-drive vehicle to support your needs. There are fewer rural roads than you think they would be, and many of them are still gravel. Getting caught in a storm or stuck in the snow with chains isn't always an option.

A vehicle you buy or lease should be able to withstand the brutal winters in this part of the country.

Bonus: Here are some fun facts about Montana:

  1. At Egg Mountain near Choteau, dinosaur eggs have been discovered, supporting the theory some dinosaurs were more like mammals and birds than reptiles.
  2. Montana is the only state with a triple divide allowing water to flow into the Pacific, Atlantic, and Hudson Bay. This phenomenon occurs at Triple Divide Peak in Glacier National Park.
  3. The notorious outlaw, Henry Plummer, built the first jail constructed in the state.
  4. No state has as many different species of mammals as Montana.
  5. Now numbering over 8,000 in Montana, the moose was thought to be extinct in the Rockies south of Canada in the 1900s.
  6. Flathead Lake in northwest Montana contains over 200 square miles of water and 185 miles of shoreline. It is considered the largest natural freshwater lake in the west.
  7. Miles City is known as the Cowboy Capitol.
  8. Yellowstone National Park in southern Montana and northern Wyoming was the first national park in the nation.
  9. The town of Ekalaka was named for the daughter of the famous Sioux chief, Sitting Bull.
  10. Fife is named after the type of wheat grown in the area or, as some locals contend, Tommy Simpson for his home in Scotland.

What can you say about these things in Montana? Please share with us your thoughts in the comment section below!


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Visual Freedom
California-based frequent traveler that loves to explore cities & counties and write about lifestyle, business & food.