
Updates on Austin chaotic scene after mass shooting in entertainment district

Amy Christie
Dallas-based writer and poet
KPRC 2 Click2Houston/ YouTube screenshot

After the shocking incident in Austin’s entertainment district 14 people were injured. The police revealed they have arrested one of the two perpetrators, as The Blaze reports.

More details from witnesses and the investigators helped to bring some light on what happened and how the search is advancing.

What are the details?

The first call for help came in to 911 at around 1:24 a.m. local time, on Saturday. The incident took place in a popular area, with plenty of bars and restaurants, which used to attract large crowds before the pandemic started.

Austin-Travis County EMS medics responded fast to the emergency, describing it as an “active attack.”

“I only heard them from a single weapon and then everyone started running in different directions. People were freaking out a lot, and there were some people crying, but most people were just freaking out,” Taylor Blount, who was at a bar on Sixth Street when he heard it all, told the Austin American-Statesman.
“It was very difficult to contain the scene, it was very difficult for EMS to make their way into this crowd. And because of the nature of the injuries, officers had to go ahead and use their police vehicles to put some of the victims into their vehicles and transport them themselves,” interim Austin Police Chief Joe Chacon said.

EMS took four victims to hospital by ambulance. The Austin police took six more people to the hospital and four more were taken by private vehicle to get treated.

“I'm happy to report no one has died. Our officers responded very quickly. They were able to immediately begin life-saving measures for many of these patients. Security on Sixth Street is always pretty good down here because of the way that we cordon off the streets, block off the streets, using barricades and try to keep people safe that way,” Chacon continued.

The scene was blocked off after the incident to begin the investigation.

The police targeted two suspects who had been involved in a previous dispute and worked fast to make an arrest. They managed to catch one of them.

The arrest was made in a joint team effort by Austin police and the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force.

According to the officials, most of the victims were innocent bystanders. No one passed away because of the swift and heroic actions the Austin officers undertook to help sort out the chaos after the terrible incident in the middle of the district filled with revelers trying to go back to pre-pandemic life.

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Amy Christie
Passionate about bringing a sense of community and positive connections.