How To Improve Your Relationship With Yourself

James McPherson
Community Voice
Photo Via Unsplash

If you’re anything like my past self, you struggle to maintain a positive mindset. For one reason or another, you can’t help but feel like you have a lack of self-worth.

But until you learn to love yourself, it’s impossible to love other people. Like the Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius once said:

“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”

So if you want to improve your relationship with yourself, here are several ways to start. Each of these insights changed my life for the better, and I’m sure they will do the same for you, too.

#1 — Have Realistic Goals

Goals are essential in everything you achieve. So if you want to succeed in every aspect of your life, setting realistic and achievable goals is undoubtedly a great place to start.

But here’s the thing, you’re not going to achieve big goals overnight. Instead, long-term success is the result of working hard over a long period of time.

I’ll give you a personal example. I used to find it extremely difficult to accomplish my goals. I’d often get into a creative rut and procrastinate. Consequently, I rarely got anything done.

To change my life, I created a schedule around my goals, so it would be easier to achieve them over a long period of time. As a result of implementing this strategy, I’m able to accomplish a lot more than I ever thought possible.

You get the idea. Identify a goal that you want to achieve. Then, create habits that will enable you to make progress towards it each day. As George Bernard Shaw said:

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

#2— Become Curious & Accepting

Understand that change is inevitable. And when you embrace it, you’ll live a much better life than you ever thought possible.

Everyone has insecurities. However, our imperfections are a natural part of who we are. Embrace them. Accept yourself, and the world will accept you.

#3— Prioritize Self-care

Rest, mindfulness, and exercise are fundamental building blocks of self-care. Although they may seem basic, practicing self-care is a great way to improve your relationship with yourself.

Eat healthy foods, go on daily walks, and become a little bit happier each day. Sure, these may seem like simple strategies. However, the effect they will have on your self-esteem is truly profound.

I used to struggle with self-care. I didn’t have a routine and often felt depressed and suicidal. Honestly, I wasn’t proud of myself. But once I started adjusting my habits and lifestyle, I quickly found myself living a much happier life than ever before.

You can do the same. Make small adjustments to your life. The power of compound interest will create an entirely different mindset over time. As Marcus Aurelius said:

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

#4 — Avoid The “Selfish Trap.”

We’re often told that we need to take care of other people. However, it’s also essential to take care of yourself, so you can put yourself in the best position to care for others. However, the common problem is that if we act selfishly, then we are demoralized by other people as a form of punishment. Quoting the Psychologist, Jordan Peterson:

“Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible for Helping.”

Be grateful for everything that happens. Accept what you cannot change, and focus solely on what you can. Nothing else matters.


None of this advice is complicated. But once you implement it, the effect it’ll have on your mindset and mental health will be life-changing.

Become the type of person you want to be. Treat yourself with respect, positivity, and kindness. As the philosopher William James said:

“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”

Each of these insights changed my life. And I’m sure they will do the same for you, too. So what are you waiting for?

Start now.

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James McPherson
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