The Number One Way to Get Rid of Clutter

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

Imagine the most cluttered place in your house and take in all of the stress it gives you. It’s not a good feeling, is it? 

Don’t you wish you could just get rid of all those things and move on with your day?

The things we fill our homes with don’t all serve a purpose. It’s not possible to need every article of clothing, every single item that we got a “good deal” on. 

All the shoes, random plane tickets, old letters, marathon running bibs, and more can go. These things don’t all have a need. 

Take your things to a Goodwill, Salvation Army, or local donation box.

In anticipation of my move with my girlfriend, we have both been purging our bedrooms and finding things we didn’t need — especially clothes. 

The easiest way to get rid of things like clothes you no longer wear, take them to Goodwill. Each time I’ve gone to the donation center, it’s taken less than five minutes to get in and out. 

Each trip makes me feel so much better. Sure, I could have made some extra money on these items, but now I have the peace of mind not to hoard and buy things I don’t need.

Identify how to avoid creating clutter again

Goodwill had Military Tuesdays where I saved 15% on my purchase and I would drop nearly fifty bucks every Tuesday on clothes. It was filling a void inside of me. And it got really bad.

Once I looked inside, I found out that none of the clothes made me happy. Instead, it was experiencing new things, getting good grades, and doing what I enjoyed. 

I no longer pay for things that aren’t worth my hard-earned money. I could care less if I didn’t have a million clothing options. They’re just clothes — not my happiness. 

Think twice about the next purchase you make. 

Final Thought

Goodwill is the perfect place to get rid of any clutter you have. They take nearly everything I bring to them without any hassle or headaches. 

It’s quick, easy, and time-oriented. So if you have things you need to clear out, grab some garbage bags, and start loading up your car.

Clearing space may seem simple and insignificant, but once you do, you’ll feel free and grateful you did. 

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.