
Columbus Area White Castles Raising Minimum Wages

Restaurant Review
Community Voice

White Castle, whose previous starting wage weighed in at $11.50 an hour, announced that its Columbus-area restaurants are now raising this amount to a hefty 15 dollars. The move is welcomed by new and veteran staff alike. However, this is not the first area to have such generous wages for lower-tier jobs such as this one. While it’s hard to deny the positive retention and boost in mood this offers White Castle’s employees, I find myself feeling angry at the increase in money.

For nearly two years, I have worked a summer job at a grocery store, being a cashier. It’s my job to be nice and friendly to people, helping everyone get what they have been pulling off the aisles and addressing their needs.

However, when I first started work, I was paid in my state’s minimum wage to be a “courtesy clerk”, running around and doing all kinds of errands for menial pay. Now, at the new store as a cashier, things are different. Often, I find myself doing things I normally wouldn’t have to because of a distinct lack of employees, and my state has long since removed the hazard pay once beneficial to front-line workers like myself.

It was not until almost a year of work that my wage was raised a considerable amount – to be even remotely close to that of the wage the White Castle employees once had. I often tell my younger workers that they should consider themselves lucky – I wasn’t able to enjoy that type of amount in previous summers where I worked and earned less.

Obviously, as already noted, this wage boost will make things better for the workers in the delicate balance between company and employees. It’s still baffling, however, that more places are not instating this type of change. The unskilled labor force has long pulled the weight of those above it, and most will continue to never see recognition. If anything, I remain angry knowing some places may never acknowledge the positive benefits this move can bring.

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