
Woman assaulted while pumping gas in Gardena, onlookers didn’t help

Amy Christie
Dallas-based writer and poet
Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels

A shocking attack took place at a gas station in Gardena, as reported by Fox News. A woman was assaulted while she was pumping gas. It appears that she was randomly selected for the attack. Several onlookers were spotted afterwards in the video surveillance, but they preferred to watch and didn’t jump in to help the victim.

How did it all happen?

Police officers revealed that they received a call for help from the gas station located in the 500 block of Rosecrans Avenue. It was at 7:10 p.m. on Sunday, May 30.

The victim’s declaration matched what the officials later saw in the video surveillance.

The woman who was attacked said that while she was pumping gas, another car came in the parking lot. The suspect drove his car and stopped it right in front of her vehicle. He calmly got out of his car, walked purposefully towards the woman, and attacked her. She fell to the ground, but the assault continued relentlessly.

After the attack the suspect got back in his car and drove away as if nothing had happened.

In the video multiple onlookers were spotted. They watched it all happen, but none of them stepped in to rescue the woman.

The woman stated that she did not know who the suspect was and that none of her belongings were stolen.

The suspect was described by officials as a black man, 6 feet tall, weighing 300 to 350 pounds, between the ages of 35 to 45. He was driving a matte black older model Ford Expedition with black rims.

The victim was severely injured and had to be taken to hospital for treatment. She has since been released and will be recovering at home after the random attack in Gardena.

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Amy Christie
Passionate about bringing a sense of community and positive connections.