The Flow State: How to Enter Your Brain's Most Productive State

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice
Photo by Johnny Brown on Unsplash

Everyone can get “in the zone” with something. It can be knitting, writing, drawing, cooking, or cleaning. 

Most people think that you have to be a creator to experience flow, but it can come from anything. It just takes some intense focus, an avoidance of multi-tasking, and commitment. 

You don’t have to be superhuman to reach a flow state. Back in high school, I’d always see kids who were heavily focused on their schoolwork while I was wandering and getting distracted by the littlest things. 

Now that I’m older, I’ve found something that I can get into a flow state with — which is writing. It’s possible to come from anything you enjoy.

How to enter a flow state.

It doesn’t take intense focus to get into a flow state. You can’t force it, but you can adapt to your environment in a way that makes it far more likely to achieve it.

I’ll use writing for example. I need my blinds closed, my blue-light glasses, my ice water, good EDM music, and my comfy Ugg shoes on. 

It may sound like I’m knit-picky about every little detail, but it’s what works. To cook for three hours, you might need to play some lo-fi music while wearing your favorite apron.

Adapt your environment in a way that gets you there.

Your flow state doesn’t have to come from something you’re passionate about.

When I was in college, I hated reading, but I forced myself to find ways to read on and be productive. Once again, I hated reading.

But when you set your mind to something that has to get done, great things happen. A lot of trial and error has to take place to maximize your potential for productivity. 

I got into flow states when working at the movie theater, and that was just a job to me. I enjoyed what I did for the time being and it paid dividends because my workflow was faster and I got more done in a shorter amount of time.

Your flow doesn’t have to be something you’re passionate about.

Final Thought

Flow state is something many people are talking about. In a noisy world that is concerned with productivity, a flow state is a brain hack.

Think of the last time you got into a flow state. Were you drawing, writing, cooking, or going for a walk? It can be the most trivial thing that gives us this flow state.

Our brains need to experience flow. Everything else can make no sense at all. But as long as you’re in a flow, you’ll be feeling good and everything will fall into place. 

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.