A Break From Running Made My Body Weaker

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Photo by Axel Bimashanda on Unsplash

Running can be a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing when you’re consistent, but it’s a liability if you stop showing up. 

It’s been two whole months since my last run and my body feels like it’s slowly breaking down. All the muscle that I built up has turned into chubbiness and I get shin splints whenever I play basketball with my girlfriend.

I feel like I’m getting old and it’s not because of age, but rather because of a lack of consistency. I’ll share some insights on how to avoid body breakdowns.

Run at least once a week, no matter how long or short it is.

You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to take care of your body. As a pretty average guy, I enjoy running in moderation, but lately, life has gotten in the way and a lot is going on.

You don’t have to go far every week to keep your body adapted to fitness. It’s the little things here and there that add up into so much more.

Go for a run when you’re feeling weak, not the opposite. A stronger body equates to a stronger mental state.

Eat as healthy as you can and stretch your body out.

I’m not a health guru but I know that we should all put more healthy foods into our body than not. It’s not that complicated. Just a few healthy choices here and there contribute to better overall health.

Stretching is so underrated. Literally, take a yoga mat and sit down on the floor. You can stretch your legs, your arms, your back, and your feet. It’s the little things that add up as I said earlier.

The next time you run won’t be as dreadful when you’re nutrition, your muscles, and joints are tended to.

A break from running could be just what you needed.

Running brings many of us happiness, joy, freedom, and bliss. As with anything, we need time to miss it.

Your break (no matter how long it is) could be the reason you’re itching for a run and a release of dopamine. You get to experience fresh air, soreness, and good music throughout your run and truly feel alive. 

It’s worth it in the long run as long as your breaks are timely and you don’t completely let yourself go.

Final Thought

If you’re someone who needs a break from running, take it. We all need a break from everything every once in a while.

The same thing goes for fitness. You can’t beat your body up too much. You can’t keep pushing it to its limits forever.

Just because we aren’t professional athletes with designated time frames for an “off-season” doesn’t mean we need to feel guilty for taking a break.

Take a deep breath, relax, and do what you know you need to do.

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.