
Adorable TikTok of North Dakota farmer helping fawns cross the road goes viral

Evie M.

If you're looking for your daily does of "Awwww!" you're in the right place. Fifty-two-year-old Robert Albright (pictured with his family) has gone viral on Tiktok after posting a video over Memorial Day Weekend.

The Tiktok, which has garnered over ten million views and two million likes, shows this humble farmer from Willow City, North Dakota helping a pair of newborn fawns cross a country street between the towns of Willow City and Towner. The fawns in the video could barely stand as they cuddled in the middle of the road.

After the Tiktok went viral, Mr. Albright made another explaining what lead to the precious rescue. He was driving down Willow Road when a doe crossed in front of his truck and disappeared into the woods. Mr. Albright wanted some photos so he followed the deer and got out of his vehicle.

That's when he heard the "mewling" sounds and found the babies in front of him, who he guessed weren't more than a few hours old. There are over 35.4k comments ont he Tiktok currently sharing love for this farmer's kind heart and thanking him for his helping these innocent animals and enjoying the cuteness.

And it is cute. If you haven't seen the TikTok, put aside a minute of your day and watch. It's worth it. Here you go!

On his Tiktok account, Ogeeez, Mr. Albright enjoys posting videos about farm life and the serious draught in North Dakota, and never imagined he'd go viral. In response to the viral video, he says the video probably went viral because no one has seen fawns that young before."

Having lived in North Dakota for a number of years, deer are a regular occurance in the road, but I've personally never seen any fawns. If you do come across a fawn and the mom isn't in sight like it was for Mr. Albright, wildlife experts have some helpful tips.

When you see a fawn, it is most likely not abandoned. It is common for babies to wait in hiding for mom to return. If the baby is injured or laying next to a deceased parent, then it is appropriate to intervene, but be warned some species have laws in place to protect them from being taken from the wild. If the fawn is in danger, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center and let the professionals do their work.

What do you think about this adorable TikTok?,help%20locate%20a%20licensed%20wildlife%20rehabilitator%20who%20can.

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Evie M.
"Reader beware, you're in for a scare!--R.L. Stine"