Las Vegas

Fireworks return to the Strip for July 4, Las Vegas

Jessica Rabbit
Community Voice
fireworksImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Twice a year, one can expect fireworks on the Las Vegas Strip. On the fourth of July, a holiday typically known for it’s fireworks, it’s a low-key event. On New Year’s Eve, however, the fireworks are a big deal. The entire Las Vegas Strip is closed, and inaccessible to traffic. Fireworks hit the night sky to bring in the new year.

Perhaps the fourth of July isn’t as big of a celebration due to the holiday falling in the middle of the hottest time of the year. July in Las Vegas is a scorcher! Fireworks come at dusk, which is not enough time for the heat to wear off. The New Year’s Eve fireworks are a different story. Coming at the transition between December 31 and January 1, it’s the chilliest time of the year. Many more visitors come to Las Vegas, Nevada to bring in the new year than to celebrate the fourth of July. The 4th is traditionally a day for barbecue and beer.

However, due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, there have no fireworks for either occasion. Firework displays bring crowds. And crowds recently were likely to bring airborne diseases. So with Las Vegas announcing the return of fireworks on July 4th, it’s a big deal. It is one more signal that the pandemic is becoming a past memory.

It’s not over yet, so if you are out and about without your mask, it’s important that you’ve been vaccinated and have taken proper precautions. If you have, please enjoy the fireworks! Las Vegas welcomes you to celebrate our nation’s birth. Happy 4th!

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Jessica Rabbit
Washington, DC. Miami, FL. Los Angles, CA. And all of the places in between!