
Black Lives Matter co-founder at Cambridge panel: “Step up to end Israel or we're doomed”

Amy Christie
Dallas-based writer and poet
bmartinseattle/ Pixabay

Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter co-founder, has become involved in another controversy, right after a recently unearthed video shows her calling for “the end of Israel” while speaking at a panel hosted in Cambridge by the Harvard Law School in 2015.

The Black Lives Matter co-founder is seen in the footage from 2015 while taking the chance to express her views at the panel self-described as “a forum that brings together community organizers, attorneys, and academics to discuss the international dimension of racialized policing and structural injustice.”
The description of the event was focused on the following questions: “What elements of these problems are transnational? Is there a role for transnational solidarity in fighting oppression? Can international human rights bodies provide vehicles of resistance? What are the possibilities and limitations of law and how can lawyers be good allies?”

“Panelists will draw on their recent experiences in taking these struggles to the UN and the inter-American system, and on their involvement in solidarity delegations to Palestine and Brazil,” as The Blaze reports.
During the Panel Cullors tells the audience that, “Palestine is our generation's South Africa, and if we don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that's called Israel, we're doomed.”

In 2015, Cullors reportedly took part in a 10-day trip to the Gaza area. While she was there, Cullors organized a demonstration in Nazareth.

“In a historic trip to Palestine, freedom fighters from Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, New York, Ferguson, and Atlanta were able to witness firsthand the effects of occupation, and to learn from the people who are actively resisting on the front lines. In Nazareth, the delegates decided to do a solidarity demonstration as a call for support,” the video description states.

Last week Cullors resigned from her leadership role in the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. After the real estate purchase scandals she was involved, the new video brought to light from the Cambridge Panel adds to the controversies surrounding the co-founder.

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Amy Christie
Passionate about bringing a sense of community and positive connections.