3 Tips to Help Shy Guys Become More Confident in Their Relationships

Moon Walker
Community Voice

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

When it comes to dating, it gets really difficult for shy guys. Shy or introverted guys always lurk in the shadows afraid of attention. They may meet their dream girl but lack the courage to approach her and talk to her. 

Even though they have dreams of not only dating, but dating beautiful, and sexy women they hesitate to make contact. Unlike extroverts, they overthink and retreat into their shell asking themselves questions like “Am I good enough?”

So, is it possible for a shy guy to transform into a confident guy? Is it possible to develop so much confidence that they will not only bask in attention but also thrive in the dating game?

Well, the answer is “Yes.”

So let's take a look at some tips for all the shy guys who really want to become extroverts and improve their dating games. If you are shy, don’t bother, you can easily change and become better. But remember, these are tips that will also need you to get out of your comfort zone.

State what you want.

So, you’ve finally met the woman of your dreams. But no matter how hard you try, you’re unable to tell her that you want to date her because you are obviously not confident. 

In order to be able to state what you want, you have to be confident and confidence wouldn’t come naturally to you. You have to get rid of the negative thoughts of rejection.

Due to your lack of confidence, you decide to throw a few hints, Then? You cross your fingers and hope she gets your message. You wait and wait. But the truth is, you’re wasting your time. 

If you don’t state exactly what you want, she will never know. You’ll continue to dance around her life. Eventually, you’ll find yourself in the friend zone.

If you want to know whether you stand a chance, express yourself, stop overthinking. Say it. Put it out there. If she says yes, great! 

And what if she says no? Relax. It’s all good. You’re still better off knowing the truth. At least you had the courage to tell her, which indicates that you're slowly getting into the game. Of course, it will hurt a bit. But the sooner you know, the quicker you’ll get over the rejection. And set yourself free to find someone actually interested in you. The truth will indeed set you free.

Challenge your fears.

What is your fear? Is it Rejection, or is it approaching her? Well! Man up, face that fear, challenge that fear of yours, and this will ignite amazing confidence and attract your dream crush. This is a strategy for breaking out of the shyness trap.

If you always feel awkward every time you want to approach a woman, practice speaking in front of a mirror or practice with friends. Do this several times and you’ll become confident little by little. It will change the way you see yourself. You’ll start to believe in yourself, and will not need validation from others. 

Confidence has a ring of mystery to it. When you’re confident, it’s easy to connect with a woman because it makes you intriguing. What’s more, the less shy you are, the more grounded you become. Why Is This important? Because when you’re grounded, the woman you intend to woo feels secure around You. Your self-esteem increases and you go from being a nervous overthinking guy to a cool and interesting extrovert.

Stop trying too hard.

Due to your insecurities, and lack of confidence, you try to mask it by devoting too much time, energy, or resources to a woman in the hope that she’ll be attracted to you.

You’re not alone. Many shy people are guilty of this. But here’s the thing though; when you try too hard to impress her because you view her as a trophy to be attained, you put her needs above yours. You unconsciously reduce yourself and lower your self-worth without realizing it. And even though she appreciates your gifts, sadly, she loses respect for you because she sees you as desperate and clingy which is a huge turn-off. 

So instead of trying too hard to impress her, you need to engage in activities that improve your confidence. Start reading books, focus on your hobbies, and spend time with your other friends. If you don’t enjoy your own company, no one will be interested in you. 

Are you tired of hiding in your shadows? Are you tired of feeling that you’re not good enough? Do you want to get out of your comfort zone and explore? Do you want to be the master of your own game? 

Life is too short to be spent in the shadow of shyness and fear. It’s time to put yourself out there. Tell her exactly what you want. Bring forth the extrovert in you.

Hey! what are you waiting for.

Some pretty ladies are waiting for you to make a bold step.

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Moon Walker
Jack is a freelance writer and editor who loves to inspire others with his words and also share interesting stories to the world.