Taking Risks is The Best Thing a Creator Can Do for Themselves

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash

Taking a creative path comes with a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. 

If you consider yourself a creator when someone asks what you do, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

In my lifetime, I’ve taken dozens of risks that I’m proud of. I tried photography, YouTube (3 times), blogging, marketing, and Instagram. 

Each venture that I pursued taught me something new and helped me become a better overall creator. I’ll dive into how different platforms are worth the risk if you want to become a more dynamic creator. 


Being a photographer requires a lot of attention to detail. You have to capture the best possible angle of a person, an object, or nature to convey the imagery you want. 

It takes a lot of practice, time, and dedication. Photography forces you outside of your bedroom and into the world. 

I’m glad this was my first creative venture because it opened me up to new experiences, new places, and gave me tons of inspiration. 


Most kids growing up want to become a famous YouTuber or at least create one video that goes viral. That was me. I used to create vlogs, travel videos, share self-improvement advice, starting my own business advice, and writing advice. 

Setting up a camera, writing out a script, doing a thumbnail, and editing videos were extremely time-consuming, but the finished product always made me so proud.


When it came to sharing a message, part of my life, and a personal touch, Instagram was my go-to place. I didn’t explore writing at the time, so my Instagram appearance was my creative outlet.

It was fun while it lasted. I got out more to capture moments, explore, travel, and seek discomfort. But it simply did not give me any personal value, monetary value, or anything worth putting so much effort into. 


My current line of work is marketing. I enjoy it so much because I’m getting better with photoshop, learning the business side of things, and growing a community for a company I believe in. 

It requires a lot of due diligence, scheduling, planning, and execution to do it correctly and successfully — but I like the pressure and that it demands creativity.


One of the most successful and fulfilling ventures I’ve explored by far is blogging. It doesn’t eat up much time, and I get to learn how to construct an idea that can offer meaningful value.

It has taught me how to organize my thoughts and ideas and put them into a powerful message. I just need my music, my laptop, and time. It’s one of my favorite creative outlets by far.

Final Thought

When it comes to finding yourself as a creator, it takes stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking risks.

Without all of the risks I took on myself, I wouldn’t feel like a dynamic creator. But I took the chances on myself and it paid off tremendously.

If you’re feeling lost, confused, or uncertain, then take a risk that you’re unsure of. If anything, you’ll learn so many lessons that will carry over into your next venture. 

There’s no such thing as wasted time, only learning opportunities.

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.