How to Maintain Your Motivation to Write

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice
Photo by Ulrich Derboven on Unsplash

Writing has impacted me in a way that far exceeds my Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. Something about this world of words that come straight from me without any double-takes, fabrication, or rehearsing feels amazing.

Playing my favorite songs, sitting in front of a blank page, and laying my fingers down for the first time each day is a spiritual journey. 

We text, comment, and touch our phones daily. It’s a habit. Writing and sharing my inner thoughts that can make the world a better place is just very unique.

I’m surprised that nearly 2,000 people online follow the content I write. I’m surprised that my writing can cover rent. I’m surprised I have so much to share.

If you’re in a bit of a writing slump, then maybe I can help.

Re-Evaluate your “why”.

Why are you writing? Is it for attention, views, money, boredom, or just because you enjoy it?

My why is because it makes me feel good and helps pay my bills. I never quit my day job to pursue writing, but I definitely allocated extra time to it because the money is beginning to talk.

I started on one platform, which turned into two, three, and soon four. There are so many different places to post and so many ways to market your writing. 

I have a strong feeling that writing will be a long-term activity I do because it’s changing my life. It helps me be more mindful, makes sense of things, and feel better overall. 

Writing doesn’t have to eat away your life. 

We’re online writers, bloggers, and content creators — not authors who need to write for an entire year before releasing our first book.

Recognize the different scales of being a writer versus being an author.

An author puts all their eggs into one basket and prays that it takes off and helps them grow. If it flops, all their hard work feels worthless and they may have to take yet another 365 days to redeem themselves.

We online bloggers have it easy. We can write something that sucks one day and come back the next to write a banger. There are so many more chances with blogging versus writing books.

The amount of time I write doesn’t dictate my life. I’m still able to spend quality time with my girlfriend, invest, do things I enjoy, exercise, and so much more. 

It may seem impossible to get into a routine, but when you’re consistent, everything falls right into place.

Have a long-term perspective the same way an investor does.

Long-term investors allocate money into a stock or cryptocurrency with the conviction that it will go up over time and make them a return on their investment.

The same goes for writing. You have to believe that your hard work, continuous learning, and consistency will lead you to success.

Success can be anything such as fulfillment, monetary value, mindfulness, anything. 

When your writing sucks, just know that the next day will be better.

When you’re having luck and success, don’t get cocky and complacent. 

We can’t let any failures or successes dictate our personal opinion of ourselves. We must show up no matter what. We can’t quit.

Final Thought

Creating content online can be daunting at first. It can feel so vulnerable and lonely when you’re first starting.

After a year of consistency, I’m finally in a flow state of sharing my thoughts, opinions, and inspiration at a high scale. 

One day I’ll look back at this time frame and be so proud that I got started and didn’t quit. Find your why. Understand that writing doesn’t have to eat your life away. Write like an investor. 

Keep up the great work creators. There’s a long road ahead of us. Stay the course and I’ll see you on the next page. 

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.