
The best Marinara sauce you'll ever have.

Ina Eats In
Community Voice

I know that you can purchase already made Marinara Sauce but I think that homemade almost always tastest best!

The reason why I love home made sauces is because you can control extactly what is inside and how much! It also gives me some freedom to have fun and experiment with different flavors! For my favorite marianara sauce recipe, Rubino's in Rochester, NY carries my favorite San Marzano tomatoes! San Marzano tomatoes are the secret ingredient to this amazing marinara!
Marinara SauceIna Eats In

Marinara is a commonly used ingredient in so many of my Italian meals. I use this Homemade Marinara Sauce for Italian dishes and as a dipping sauce. You certainly don’t need to be a master chef to make the perfect marinara sauce at home and it definitely comes in handy.

I have always made some version of marinara sauce at home. This recipe hit differently so I had to take note of it. My favorite part is that all the ingredients are staple pantry items that I always have on hand and use in a lot of my weekly meals. Chopping are not required for this homemade marinara sauce recipe. This is a huge time saver!

The Importance of tomatoes.



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Ina Eats In
Welcome to Ina Eats In! I have a passion of creating delicious recipes and more importantly, sharing them with loved ones. I invite y...