
6 Reasons to Love a Georgia Summer

Crystal Jackson
Community Voice
Woman on beachPhoto by Graca Assane on Unsplash

As a Georgia resident, Summer isn't exactly my favorite time of year. When you think of Georgia, you might think of peaches, pecans, and deep-fried everything. But it also has heat and humidity so oppressive that a simple walk to your car could leave you sweat-soaked, winded, and wilted.

Still, summertime has its charms. Summer isn’t just backsides sticking to leather seats, singeing off our skin. It’s also fun, carefree, and filled with adventure — if we choose to see the upside of summer.

Let’s talk a little about summer lovin’ — all the wonderful things we love about the hottest of seasons.

Ice Cream
Ice CreamUnsplash

Gelato. Frozen yogurt. Home-made or store-bought. They make it for vegans, for dogs, for diets, and in nearly every flavor imaginable. It’s a delicious part of any hot day, and the sound of an ice cream truck coming can send even adults running out to the curb clutching sweaty dollars in anxious anticipation of that first cool taste of something sweet.

Madison locals can get a sweet treat from Scoops, Antique Sweets, or the Kona Ice truck. For those looking for a healthier option, Madison Square Nutrition has loaded teas and protein shakes to quench your thirst. Plus, Oconee Coffee Roasters is serving up affogato this summer--or espresso poured over ice cream.

Water Fun
PaddleboardingPhoto by Tower Paddle Boards on Unsplash

There’s little more delightful than a cool dip on a hot day. Whatever your feelings about bathing suits and summer crowds, the joy of cooling off and floating in the water can be divine. Whether you head to the beach, choose a local swimming pool, inflate a kiddie pool in your own space, have fun with a water sport, or simply have a water gun/balloon war, water is the key to keeping it cool when it’s too hot to be outdoors. Which, in Georgia, is any day from March to October. Locals can head to the Morgan County Aquatic Center to beat the heat or head over to Hard Labor Creek State Park in Rutledge to cool down at the lakeside beach.

Summer-Inspired Drinks
Summer cocktailsPhoto by on Unsplash

Whether your drink is regular old-fashioned lemonade, a mocktail, or a cocktail, a summer-inspired drink can certainly make the dog days of summer taste a little sweeter. This year, I tried out my version of a coconut martini. It came out tasting like a day at the beach, and I even added a little umbrella to give it that vacation feel. We don’t need a cruise to mix up (or order up) a pina colada or mojito, we just need to be inspired by the season to indulge in a little tropical beverage.

The Sun-Kissed Look
Woman sunbathingPhoto by Arturo Rivera on Unsplash

Sure, you can get that sun-kissed look from self-tanner, if prison-orange is your favorite. But there’s nothing that beats the actual sun for giving us some natural color. I’m not saying we need to throw out our sun-protecting SPF and go roast ourselves under the blazing sun. A little solid sun protection is always a good idea (all year ‘round), but regular exposure to the sun packs a punch of Vitamin D while also giving us that pretty sun-kissed glow that helps us look healthy and vibrant.

Family on vacationPhoto by Larry Crayton on Unsplash

Whether we take a vacation away or opt for a staycation, taking time off to enjoy the season is crucial for true summer lovin’. We weren’t meant to work all day and never enjoy our lives. Even if all we can manage is a lunch out with friends or a happy hour with the one we’re with, we need at least a mini-vacation to help remind us why we work so hard the rest of the year. To me, summer will always mean beach vacations, water sports, or relaxing with a fruity beverage (see: summer-inspired cocktails above).

Summer Romance
Couple smilingPhoto by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

A summer romance can be particularly sexy. Think sundresses, bathing suits, and all that sizzling heat sparking between sun-kissed skin over summer-inspired drinks. Mmm…. sheets could be heating up as hot as any Georgia summer day. Rainy days could have just as much romance as any other with a walk in the warm summer rain. Summer romances certainly spice up this sexiest of seasons.

Yes, I’m wilting in the heat, melting as dramatically as the Wicked Witch of the West — but with less chill. That doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the summer. Do I prefer to do it from the air conditioning or out relaxing in or by the water? Of course!

Still, summer lovin’ will only last so long. Soon, we’ll be loving pumpkin spice and all things autumn. But right now, at this minute, summer is just what we need to remind us that life isn’t all work, work, work, pay bills, and die. It’s meant to be fun.

So get your SPF-protected self out into the sun, or at the very least open a window to let the sunlight in, and enjoy!

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Crystal Jackson
Crystal Jackson is a former therapist turned writer. She is the author of the Heart of Madison series and a volume of poetry entitled...