
Engage! Cleveland unveils results of third annual young professionals survey

Paul Krasinic
Community Voice

Engage! Cleveland, a community engagement organization for young professionals and leaders, has released the findings of its third comprehensive survey, which provides significant insights from almost 1,000 area young professionals on why they prefer to live, work, and participate civically in Greater Cleveland.

Furthermore, Engage! Cleveland also derived many conclusions from the poll that provide additional insight into how the pandemic affects young professionals in Cleveland.

One of the survey's conclusions is that young professionals need to be more vocal as advocates for Greater Cleveland since 94 percent of them have a favorable opinion of the region, but only 41 percent actively promote it. This number suggests that there is a significant chance to increase their level of engagement.

One of the sectors that need to be improved significantly, according to the respondents, is Cleveland's public transit system. This result marks the third time the public transit system becomes the largest barrier for young professionals.

Similar to the previous years' survey results, the most crucial characteristic sought by young professionals is still remuneration. They also have a lot to say on how to better their neighborhood and make their voices heard. For those reasons, Engage! Cleveland recommends establishing a platform to address this issue, or the city risks losing talent.

This survey aims to help local employers and community leaders better understand the city through the lenses of young professionals in Cleveland and provide insights into how these perceptions drive the decisions and actions they take in the hope of creating impactful change in the community.

Paul Krasinic
Writer covering local features in Cleveland and Akron