New Jersey

Teenager Leaves Newborn in New Jersey Restaurant

Bend With Tasha
Community Voice
(Photo By Kastasha Harris/Pexels)

One of the many things that need to be normalized in today's society is allowing people to ask for help or providing more resources for teenagers when they feel they have no one to turn to.

Majority of the time when we are young and we are unaware or do not know what our options are we tend to make decisions that are not well thought out.

In addition, providing resources goes hand in hand with teen pregnancy; becoming pregnant as a teenager can be difficult and can have you wondering if you are fit to be a parent or if you made the right decision.

Just recently a teenager in Jersey City, New Jersey teenager left her newborn child who could barely breathe with a stranger in a restaurant.

911 had to be called to help the newborn baby because the baby was having trouble breathing. In an article from Fox TV called "14-year-old girl hands newborn baby to strangers at NJ restaurant" by Catherine Park, Catherine was able to elaborate more on the situation by stating

"During a follow-up video posted to Facebook, Scott and Cocca went on to explain that they believed they were in that restaurant for a reason and fate allowed them to help the teenage mother and her child.

The teenager and her parents are aware of the events that took place and where the baby is currently. Resources and communication are key for our teenagers because anything could have happened to the newborn or the teenager in this situation.

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Bend With Tasha
My mission is to spread knowledge on self love, self-care and confidence. My articles will focus on lifestyle, health & wellness, tra...