A Messy Workspace May Take a Toll on Your Productivity

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

A messy workspace may be the reason you can’t write that first line, get started on that project, or allow you to get anything productive accomplished. 

As someone who has been extremely disorganized and incredibly organized, I’ve seen that a clean workspace serves me more beneficially. 

Sometimes, clutter serves as inspiration, but I’d rather not put it that way. A neat environment around you allows you to focus on one task at a time and get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time.

There are both pros and cons of having a clean workspace:

Pros of having a clean workspace:

Cons of a clean workspace:

Final Thought

There are far more pros to having a clean workspace than not. Anyone who justifies a messy workspace has a very unique approach to productivity, but I’m not here to judge.

In my situation, I know that the clearer my space is, the better I’m able to focus on the task at hand. Everyone is different and has their own way of maximizing their potential, you just have to discover yours.

If you are currently in a rut with your productivity, it’s a good idea to tidy up, sell a few things, and make more space. It will pay off in the long run. 

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.