Leisure Time Physical Activity Is a Privilege

Zachary Walston
Community Voice

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The exercise program was perfect. I considered all of the patient’s needs and goals. I provided easy-to-follow material with appropriate progressions. Yet, the adherence to the program was non-existent.

This is a common occurrence in physical therapy. As a physical therapist, it is easy for me to place the blame solely on the patient. As my career has progressed, I have learned providers must shoulder much of the blame for poor adherence to health recommendations.

A thought-provoking research paper

Consider the differences between the following patients for the paper Privileging the Privileged:

A high-earning professional living in a leafy suburb with a stay-at-home partner and safe access to a well- equipped gym, who easily finds opportunities to exercise after work and enjoys being active after sitting at work for much of the day.
A single parent looking after two young children and working three low-wage jobs, who is living in a small studio in an apartment block where it is unsafe to go outside after dark, and who has limited opportunities to exercise (and after paid work, looking after the house and caring for the children, is fatigued and just wants to rest).

How would expect treatment recommendations to differ between these two patients? Would the plan of care prescription be the same? What about the advice and education for home exercise, activity level, sleep, and nutrition?

These examples highlight the importance of individualized healthcare.

Discipline is not the only requirement for exercise

I often read — and have even thought — that people who don’t regularly exercise lack discipline. Whether it be exercise, diet, or sleep, discipline alone is insufficient.

Resources matter.

It is easy to take for granted what many assume to be basic resources, like a safe sidewalk to walk or run on. It was not until I developed strong relationships with my patients and learned about their circumstances that I understood safe neighborhoods are not a given.

Time is a finite resource that is more strained for individuals with poor socioeconomic status. I didn’t realize how much time I wasted until I had a full-time job and two kids. Even so, I am fortunate to have stability within a salaried job. I do not need to work 60+ hours a week away from my family or commute two hours a day.

I can fit workouts into my schedule easily. My decision is between exercise and reading a book. For others, it may be between exercise and seeing their kids or taking on another work shift to pay the rent.

There is no easy substitute for leisure physical activity either.

Work physical activity is not the same as leisure physical activity

While research supports leisure-time physical activity, the evidence is mixed on whether occupational physical activity is beneficial for your health. A recent study published in the European Heart Journal sought to provide clarity.

The research paper defines leisure time and occupational physical activity as follows:

“Leisure-time physical activity often includes dynamic movements at conditioning intensity levels sufficient to improve cardiorespiratory fitness over short time periods with enough recovery time. In contrast, work often requires static loading, monotonous and awkward working postures, and other non-conditioning activities over several hours per day without sufficient recovery time.”

Higher leisure-time physical activity associates with reduced major adverse cardiac events (e.g. a stroke or heart attack) and all-cause mortality risk, while higher occupational physical activity associates with increased risks, independent of each other.

What can we do about it?

First, recognition is key. By acknowledging these issues, we can avoid shaming people — intentionally or not — about “poor discipline” when other factors may be at play. Exercise is important for health and wellness, but we must acknowledge and address the big-picture barriers.

I see a lot of emphasis on “optimal” ways to sleep, eat, and exercise. There are many ways to do each effectively. Furthermore, there is individuality in each approach.

By understanding these barriers are present, we can develop appropriate strategies to help people achieve health and wellness.

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Zachary Walston
I am a physical therapist, researcher, and educator whose mission is to challenge health misinformation. You will find articles about...