
Llamas Drop by to Celebrate Readers

Harborfields school district

Students at Washington Drive Primary School in the Harborfields School District were greeted by two llamas as part of a celebration of clocking over 2,000 hours of reading.

Principal Kathy McNally also read “Llama Llama Red Pajama” by Anna Dewdney to the students. The llamas relaxed on the front lawn of the school as classes took turns going out to meet them.

Countrywood Fundraiser

Countrywood Primary Center recently hosted “Countrywood’s Ice Cream for a Cause.” Proceeds from the fundraiser will be used by social workers at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, to help families with children being cared for there.

For $12, those who donated received 12 scoops of nut-free ice cream, 4 cones, and 3 toppings. Countrywood was able to raise over $3,300.
Harborfields new turf field.Harborfields school district

New Turf Field

Harborfields High School celebrated its new turf field with a ribbon cutting May 17.

Superintendent Dr. Rory Manning, members of the board of education, high school administration and students gathered on the field to enjoy the celebratory moment. The field is now available for use for students, families and community members.

“I want to thank the community for supporting us in this endeavor,” Board of Education President Suzie Lustig said. “We hope everyone can embrace this new field and see the multifunctionality it offers.”

Athletic Director John Valente shared a similar sentiment, echoing the function of the field not only for students, but for Harborfields residents as well.  “The greatest thing about this is that community members will have the good fortune of coming out and playing on this new turf field,” he said.

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