How To Tell If The Person You're Dating Is A Bit Too Much Fun

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If they're only in it for a good time, they may not be around for a long time.
Good timesImage by author via Canva

Everyone remembers the Friends episode with "Fun-Bobby." Monica was dating a guy that was super fun and chill. Everything was going great until they realized he was an alcoholic.

While the premise makes for prime-time hilarity, in real life, it's not so funny.

How do I know?

When I was 27, I dated my very own Fun-Bobby.

He was burly, sweet, and unpretentious. He'd sit at my bar, and we'd chat all night.

After I finished work, we'd go back to his place for a few cocktails.

I was a hard drinker back then, and my claim to fame was that I drank everything neat and could go shot for shot with any guy in the room.

I was happy to meet someone who could keep up with me.

I'd get blackout drunk regularly, but it never occurred to me that it was anything more than being a young musician living the dream.

It was my "thing," part of my edgy persona.

For six months, I "dated" this guy who never introduced me to his kids or any of his friends. I'd go home with him after my shift. We'd drink, pass out and then have breakfast in the morning — but never anything beyond that.

It took me six months to realize that he was an alcoholic, and his drinking was more than just a bit of fun.

If you like a cocktail or two, and you're super social, these "fun Bobby" types can easily slip under your radar.

In the spirit of saving you 6 months, you can never get back. Here's a list of things I noticed this guy could and couldn't do.

P.S. If you notice you do a bunch of these things, you might be the Fun-Bobby in your relationship.
Cocktails for allImage by author via Canva

How to tell if someone is a Fun-Bobby (or Fun-Barbie):

If you want lasting love or a real relationship, the partier in your life probably isn't your best bet.
Happy couple laughingImage by author via Canva

When I was a serial partier, I wasn't good relationship material.

I didn't understand why I couldn't attract a nice, normal guy, but in retrospect, I know exactly why that was.

It was because I wasn't stable or happy.

I was pretending to cool so I'd have an excuse to self-medicate with impunity.

Anybody healthy could see that and kept their distance.

Someone who self-medicates that much is probably trying to mask some pain or trauma in their life and isn't ready to face it.

Although unconditional love is healing (my own husband has been the most significant healing influence in my life), it's a catch 22. That person needs to start their own healing first before you can be part of it.

If you get involved with someone out of control because you want to fix them, be careful.

It's more likely they'll mess you up than you'll fix them.

Even if they're on a healing journey, that doesn't necessarily mean they're ready to open themselves up to the love you have to give.

So if you have a fun Bobby or Barbie in your life, the best thing to do might be to walk away and save yourself the heartache.

Because the sad fact is Fun-Bobby isn't much fun unless he's partying.

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Musician, writer, toddler wrangler. Author of "How To Be Wise AF" guided journal available on Amazon as well as "The Automatic Paren...