5 Habits That Will Increase Your Productivity At Work

Kristen Walters
Local business writer

People working in an office.Fauxels/Pexels

We all want to be more productive at work, but it can feel like an uphill battle. Luckily, there are habits that we can do to increase our productivity at work. For some, it's going for a walk before starting their day; others find that listening to music helps them focus. Whatever the habit may be, there are ways you can better your workday by making small changes and developing new ones.

A simple way to increase your productivity at work is by setting up habits that will help you manage your time more efficiently. Some examples of these habits are: eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep. These three small changes can have a dramatic effect on your body and mind.

One study found that people who exercise regularly had an extra 10 hours per week worth of energy (compared to those who didn't), which means they would work less hard when it came to their job. These habits might seem like common sense, but they have been proven repeatedly as the best way to maintain energy levels throughout the day and get more done.

1. Keep your desk clean by getting rid of any clutter

A cluttered desk can lead to decreased productivity, but it doesn't have to be this way. A clean and organized environment will allow you to focus on the task at hand without any distractions or unnecessary stress.

The key is not just a clean desk, but a clear mind - something which might be difficult when surrounded by piles of paper and other items cluttering up your work area. To manage this issue, there are many ways in which you can declutter your workspace. For example, start with the things closest to you in terms of proximity so that they do not distract you from your work.

Keeping your desk clean might seem like a simple task, but this can significantly impact the quality of work you produce. A cluttered desk is distracting and will make it difficult to focus on tasks at hand because it's hard to find what you need when everything is out in the open.

Not only does having an organized workspace lead to more productivity, but it also increases creativity too. So go ahead and give yourself permission to get rid of all those papers cluttering up your desk. Put away any knick-knacks that have been collecting dust for months or even years! Let your newfound space help fuel your productivity levels.

2. Stay off social media during work hours

We spend more than eight hours a day on social media, but have you ever thought about how much of that time is spent at work? More than 70% of people check their social media accounts while they are working. If you want to get ahead in your career and be productive in your job, it's time to make this change.

It’s hard enough to focus on tasks without having an endless stream of distractions going on around us. We don’t need additional distractions that can be avoided by simply logging off our social media accounts.

It's no secret that most people are glued to their phones and social media during work hours. It has become a common habit for many employees to post status updates, check email, or even surf the internet on their phones while at work. But there is one thing we know about habits: they can be broken.  

3. Create a list of tasks to complete for the day and prioritize them

If you're feeling like your productivity at work is suffering, it's time to take a look at the tasks that are holding you back. Sometimes we get so bogged down with all of our responsibilities that we don't even realize what needs to be done to get ahead.

For starters, don't forget about the basics like making sure you're hydrated and that you take breaks from sitting for long periods of time. You should also plan out your day so that you know what needs to be done when.

This will help prevent unnecessary distractions and make it easier to see how much time is left to complete tasks on time. Finally, try not to skimp on sleep by getting an adequate amount each night as this can lead to fatigue during the day, which may result in lower productivity levels at work or, even worse, accidents.

4. Set aside time for breaks every two hours 

It is important to take regular breaks at work because this can increase your productivity. A study published by the American Psychological Association found that people who took more than two breaks during a typical day were less likely to report feeling exhausted and stressed out. So if you're tired or overwhelmed, try taking a five-minute break every hour or so.

If you're the type of person who sits at a desk for eight hours straight without taking any breaks, it might be time to rethink your strategy. According to an article published in the Harvard Business Review, taking regular breaks will help increase productivity and decrease burnout and improve blood circulation, which helps ward off heart disease. 

The key is finding the right balance between resting and working; if you spend two minutes on Facebook each break, then there's no point in getting up from your desk! Ensure that you take long enough breaks so that all systems are running smoothly and efficiently again before returning to work. This will make all aspects of your workday more pleasurable and less stressful.

5. Take care of yourself

It's hard to feel accomplished at work when you are constantly stressed, sleep-deprived, and don't take care of yourself. It's no secret that when we feel good, our productivity at work increases. We're less likely to have accidents and more likely to be able to focus on the task at hand. 

Even if you are naturally a high-energy person, there is still something you can do for yourself every day that will make your life better and increase your chances of success in the workplace. Whether it's taking time for a daily walk or meditating for ten minutes a day, doing something for yourself will increase your productivity at work.

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Kristen Walters
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