Why You Should Never Drink Alone

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Photo by The BlackRabbit on Unsplash

A social gathering, a fun date night, or a celebration are common environments to drink. 

But after a long day, a stressful fight, or after some terrible news, drinking alone is not the answer. 

As someone who drinks with my girlfriend or my family on certain occasions, I’ve found that it’s a far better experience than doing it alone.

According to Detox Plus UK, “Social controls are not there, so they will keep drinking until something makes them stop. It’s a lot easier to overdo it, or abuse alcohol, when there is no one around to disapprove or act as a conscience. Drinking alone means drinking more than normal”.

Without any parameters in place as far as the amount or the frequency you drink, no one is there to tell you enough is enough, or you’re drinking for all the wrong reasons.

Getting into a toxic and damaging habit is much easier than getting out of one.

Here are some of the biggest risks and dangers of drinking alone:

I drank alone a few times and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the fact that it eased my state of mind and I felt like there wasn’t an issue with it.

Thankfully, I was self-aware enough to quit doing it (after three times) because I confronted it in its tracts and cut out the bad habit immediately.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to alcohol, drugs, or anything that could be potentially damaging to your health or relationships, remember to do it in moderation.

If you’re doing it for the wrong reasons and are aware of it, seek help. Talk to the ones who are close to you. Talk to a hotline, and get the help you need before it affects your life.

We can all beat addiction and bad habits once we’re finally willing to confront them and overcome them. 

It doesn’t have to take a traumatic event for you to snap out of it. Take action before things get too far.

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.