The 5 Best Diets for Women Aged 50

Heidi Vin Cohen
Community Voice
A woman cookingConscious Design/Unsplash

When women enter their 50s, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be a top priority. As we age, our body changes, thus you need to make changes in your diet too. Adopting a new diet per your body needs will help you stay healthy.

For women in their 50s, perimenopause and menopause kick in. As a result, your body produces less progesterone and estrogen. So, your body goes through hormonal changes, which slows metabolism.
As a result, women over 50 turns to diets that;

There are many diet plans you can adopt. So it would be best if you chose a diet that will be well-balanced and easy to follow.

How to choose the best diet if you’re a woman above 50

As a woman aged 50, you need to take up a specific diet to you and manageable. Be sure to include foods that you cherish and make you feel good.

But ensure those foods provide you with all the nutrients you need.
Your personal needs should guide you on what diet to take.

We adopt diets for different reasons, for example;

Be that as it may, consider paying more attention to nutrients like vitamin Proteins, calcium and vitamin B.
If the foods you’re eating don’t give enough of these nutrients, you may take their supplements.

Let’s take a look at the best diets for women in their 50s.

1.The Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean dietAdam Bathi/Unsplash

Mediterranean diet continues to bag the best diet medal.

It’s good for the heart and can prevent diabetes and cancer. Anyone can use this diet, including women over 50.

The diet consists of foods like,

You can also consume dairy products in moderate amounts.
Years of research says this diet reduces the risks of age-related diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Another study explains that the Mediterranean diet reduces obesity in postmenopausal women by 30%.
This diet follows the traditional eating pattern of European countries such as Spain and Italy.

2.The DASH diet
Healthy, fresh, raw vegetables and fruitsEngin Akyurt/Unsplash

The prime cause of death in women over 50 is heart disease. That is according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Not to mention, the rates of hypertension increases as one enters the menopause stage.
The DASH diet helps to treat and prevent high blood pressure.

It features foods with low sodium content rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium. These nutrients are famous for reducing blood pressure.

Limitations on sodium intake depend on one’s wants. But, to be safe, your intake should align with what the American Heart Association’s recommend.

The DASH diet comprises of the following foods:

The diet deters you from sweets and red meat, but you may take them once in a while. Although cured and processed meat aren’t allowed.

So avoiding salty and processed foods will reduce your cholesterol levels and improve blood sugar control.

3.The paleo diet
Fresh MeatLeung Jason/Unsplash

The paleo diet is a low carb, high protein diet which includes foods like;

Experts say that its low carb nature helps women in their 50s to deal with insulin resistance.
Yet, the diet doesn’t include:

So, plan your diet well, because you may lose important nutrients.

4.Whole foods
Seeds Whole wheat BreadSergio Arze/Unsplash

Whole foods discourage eating processed foods which can prevent inflammation.

Whole foods don’t have preservatives which is a huge hormone disruptor. Thus, the diet helps women over 50 manage their hormones.

The diet consists of foods that include:

Health gurus explain that the lack of processed food means there are few refined sugars. Meaning your body has good blood sugar stability and stores less abdominal fats.

So, the nutrients and fibre in the diet keeps the stomach full and prevents you from overeating.

5.The Flexitarian diet

The diet is a semi-vegetarian plan that leans towards plant food products. Yet, the Flexitarian diet can sometimes allow animal products like fish and meat.

The diet is more flexible than the vegan diet because you can add fibre if you want.

A Flexitarian diet solves the deficiency of omega 3s and iron problem in the vegetarian diet.
The diet has higher calcium nutrients, which helps women prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is common in older people.

Studies say this diet can help you maintain,

Wrapping up

Well, if you’ve clocked 50, finding the diet that suits you may be difficult, especially with the physical changes that come with ageing.

The diets mentioned above are good for your brain, heart and general health.

Deciding on a diet focuses on your nutritional and personal needs. But before you make major adjustments to your diet, consult a health care provider.

Let the doctor confirm the diet you’re comfortable with aligns with your needs.

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Heidi Vin Cohen
Vin wears many hats: serial entrepreneur, investor, marketing guru and a fitness enthusiast. While juggling all those roles, she’s al...