Spotify Has Taken Its Podcast Game to the Next Level

James Logie
Community Voice
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Podcasts have gone from something done in an attic to being taken over by celebrities, corporations, and huge podcast networks.

A podcast is one of the best forms of engagement and no other medium can touch them.

Podcast listeners are more engaged and devoted, and it’s the big reason that all these giant companies have got on board.

Spotify has gone all-in on podcasting, as was evident from Joe Rogan’s $100 million deal.

The streaming platform has now taken things to the next level.

Getting the Full Podcast Picture

Only five years ago, there were maybe 50,000 podcasts out there.

Today, it’s closer to a million — and growing quickly.

Some smaller creators have seen this as a bad thing, but it really isn’t. The more the platform grows, the better it can be for everyone.

As more and more people discover how great podcasts are, it gives everyone a better chance to stand out.

No matter how detailed or niche your topic is, there is an audience for it — and that audience is growing.

Now, there’s an even wider range of people to discover your show. The other thing that's great is how detailed Spotify is with its stats.

You can see where your listeners are from, their age range, what else they listen to, and how long they listen to each episode.

This can help you perfectly customize your show.

You may have no idea that you have a lot of listeners in countries outside North America until you dive deep into the Spotify stats.

Now, you can customize some episodes for those specific regions.

It’s all about connecting with your audience the best you can and Spotify is making that really easy.

Spotify has now also ramped up its podcasts stats and charts

Spotify wants to make it easier for the smaller creator to be found — so how are they doing this?

Top Episodes

Spotify just used to show you the overall numbers for your show.

Now, they are breaking it down by episode. This will give you a much better look at what’s working best on the platform.

A small show may have an episode that stands out, and this is now being rewarded.

This is amazing as it gives listeners a better chance to discover your show even if your podcast as a whole doesn’t do massive numbers.

You never know what’s going to hit, and there’s more chance of an episode — and the entire show — connecting with new listeners.

This is a dynamic chart, and they will now update top episodes daily.

The top episodes chart is a great way to see a wider range of shows — not the same ones that always dominated the charts.

Charts Website

Podcast charts were only available on the Spotify app. Now, they get their own dedicated website.

This will give easier access to the podcast charts and also allows for it to be a “larger destination for discovery.”

This is significant news for creators. A charts website will make it easier for podcasters to share their content with anyone they want.

This will also give an even better chance of organic discovery. There are so many new shows that are easier to discover.

You get a quick preview of the show and you can follow it right there on the site and it’s automatically connected to your Spotify account.

You can also share the episode and see if it’s risen or dropped on the chart.

Top Podcasts

The top podcasts out there will still be listed as such, but Spotify is giving this a makeover.

The goal of the top podcasts is to help listeners find what they are really interested in.

A fast-rising show will be able to compete against larger established ones as Spotify will now factor in the show's growth.

This new algorithmic approach can help level the playing field. If you had 100 downloads your first week, and 1,000 on your next, this is going to be a bigger jump statistically than a show that went from 500,000 to 600,000.

In this example, the first show had a 90% increase in downloads compared to the second show that only had a 17% growth — despite its much larger numbers.

The new charts will be great as new podcasts are going to have a better chance of standing out earlier on.

It will also encourage listeners to check in as the top new shows will always be changing.

What Does This Mean for Creators?

The whole point of this is that smaller creators have a better chance of making it into the top podcasts chart.

Spotify says the new charts will be more dynamic. This is good because if you check out the top podcasts you realize they don’t change that much.

However, it’s the top episodes chart that will really be better for smaller creators.

Small creators can't compete with Joe Rogan, but if you have a single episode do well, you have a better chance.

All shows now have the opportunity to stand out and chart.

The new tools will also make it easier for your fans and listeners to spread the word about your show.

There will also be easier integration with social media.

Final Thoughts

Podcasts aren’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it looks like we’re just getting started with them.

Spotify’s stats give such wonderful insights into who is listening, and now — they’re only getting better.

It can often feel like it’s too late to join the party — especially with podcasting.

The new advancements by Spotify show that there is definitely no time like the present.

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James Logie
Personal trainer, podcaster, Amazon best-selling author. Writing about some health, a little marketing, and a whole lot of 1980s.