5 Ways To Stay Motivated When Chasing Big Goals

Kristen Walters
Local business writer

A woman looking at her phone.Mikoto Raw/Pexels

Everyone has goals. Whether it is to lose weight or be more productive at work, we all want something different from our lives. Many people have a hard time following through with their goals because they are never motivated to get started.

The feeling of being unmotivated is often the result of having too many conflicting goals floating around in your head and not knowing which one you should focus on first. It's easy to lose motivation when you chase big goals, whether it's a fitness goal, a weight loss goal, or even just trying to get through the day-to-day work grind.

But some things can help you stay motivated and keep going no matter what happens in life. Many people have big goals that they are striving to achieve. No matter how much time you spend planning and strategizing, there will be days where you feel discouraged or unmotivated to continue. The key is not just in having motivation but also in staying motivated through the tough times.

1. Stop telling yourself that you can't

You've been told that you can't. You've been told that the world is out to get you, and it's not going to offer you anything. Worst of all, you start telling yourself that you can't reach your goal, and after a while, you start believing it. But these are just lies.

Most people fear failure, which can lead them into believing they don't deserve success or good things in life. This feeling of inadequacy can cause us to give up on our dreams and settle for less than what we deserve without even trying because it feels safer than risking rejection again and again.

But those who dare persevere will find that there is nothing more rewarding than overcoming obstacles so big that seem impossible at first glance; it takes bravery, perseverance, determination, and self-belief. Stop telling yourself that you "can't" achieve your goal and start looking at all the ways that you can inch closer to what you want to achieve.

2. Take a break and do something fun

It can be tough to stay motivated when pursuing big goals. There will always be times when it feels like you are not making any progress, but that is the time to take a break and do something fun. It is important to take care of yourself and know when to take a break.

Now and then, you need to do something fun or spend time with loved ones to recharge your batteries so that you can keep going strong on your journey towards achieving big goals. It's easy to feel like giving up when working hard and not seeing the desired results.

But there are many reasons why taking a break from our work can actually provide us with more motivation than continuing without any relief in sight. For one thing, breaks allow us to recharge and come back with renewed energy. They also allow us to try something new that we wouldn't have considered before because of how busy we were. And finally, they enable us to spend time with loved ones who often get put on the back burner while pursuing our passions or chasing after success. 

3. Find a mentor or someone who has achieved the goal that you want to achieve

The first step to reaching your goals is getting started. It’s often easier said than done, but there are a few tricks you can use to stay motivated and get going. A mentor can play a crucial role in providing the motivation that some of us need when giving up on our dreams. Mentors help by challenging you with their own experiences and asking the difficult questions that may be holding you back from success.

The pursuit of a big goal is difficult. It can be hard to keep motivated when there are so many obstacles in our way. But, what if you knew that someone else had been where you were before, and they could help you get through it? Mentors offer support to those who need it most. Whether your goals are professional or personal, mentors will make your journey easier by guiding and supporting you each step of the way.

The pursuit of any goal is an extremely daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. However, without the right mindset or support, you may fall prey to failure. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate this risk by finding mentors who will help you stay motivated when pursuing big goals.

4. Write down your goals and review them daily

If you're looking for a way to stay motivated and on task, look no further than the power of writing down your goals. Writing down your goals is an excellent idea because it allows you to see what needs to be done and keeps you accountable for completing them. It also provides a space where you can reflect on how far along in achieving each goal to know which ones are more important or need more attention at the moment.

You have to keep your end goal in mind and what you want to achieve by the end of this year. It would be best if you were realistic about what you can do in a day, week, month, or year. You don't want to set yourself up for failure before even giving yourself a chance.

5. Set small achievable goals to help reach your big goal 

Setting small achievable goals is an essential step to reaching your big goal. If you set a big goal and don't break it down into manageable pieces, you might get discouraged or overwhelmed by the size of the task at hand. Setting smaller goals helps you stay motivated and achieve your end goal faster.

Setting small achievable goals can help you reach your big goal. For example, if you want to lose weight and get healthy but don't know where to start, set smaller goals like walking more than ten minutes a day or drinking one less soda each week. Once these small steps are achieved, it will be much easier for you to tackle the next big step on the list, probably something like eating healthier or joining a gym.

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Kristen Walters
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