Lake Oswego

Join "Picnic in the Park" Weekly Concerts in Lake Oswego, Every Thursday Starting July 1st

Michelle Jaqua
Community Voice
outdoor music concertPhoto by Tim Tooney

Are you ready to get your summer on? Do you miss outdoor summer concerts? It appears the world is finally starting to open up again, and Lake Oswego is celebrating our breakout of the pandemic with an outdoor concert lineup every Thursday evening for anyone who wants to sit and listen to music in the sunshine and has an extra fourteen bucks to spare.

Starting July 1st, Lake Oswego will have outdoor concerts every Thursday at Millenium Park in downtown, Lake Oswego.

Then starting August, the outdoor concerts will be held every Thursday at Westlake Park.

Each Thursday will have a favorite Pacific NW local band rocking out. You can also pick up dinner while you're there. Some featured local vendors will serve you food and drink, if you wish to purchase some grub.

If you'd like to attend one of the many concerts every Thursday, you must schedule ahead of time, because attendance will be drawn on a lottery system. You can read more about the individual concerts and sign up for a concert lottery here. If you aren't registered with the City of Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation, you'll need to register with your email before you enter the lottery.

If you're selected in the lottery, you can purchase up to 6 tickets at $14 each. Invite your inner COVID circle of friends and family. It's okay because this is a socially distanced gathering and you'll be well-separated from other attendees. Lay out a blanket or bring your low sand chairs and hang out, relax, and enjoy the music.

Although the lottery has been drawn for the July concerts, August concerts at Westlake Park are still open until July 13th. I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to enter the lottery for August 12th and get my Tom Petty fix. Since my kids grew up with Petty music, I'll get them tickets too.

Due to COVID's lockdown by county, the concert will be monitored for capacity. The concerts will happen rain or shine. But hey! We are Pacific Northwesterners, a little rain never ruins our plans.

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Michelle Jaqua
Michelle Jaqua is a freelance writer who lives in the beautiful state of Oregon. She writes about a variety of news and happenings in...