5 Tips to Ditch Common Workout Excuses

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Exercise is one of the most common activities we make excuses for as human beings. As long as we eat, drink water, and get enough sleep, we’re good right?

Technically, yes.

Putting fitness first and pushing the excuses to the side is the ultimate unlock t the life many of us strive for.

Here are five of the most common excuses I’ve heard when it comes to working out:

1. “I’m too busy”

 Block out your schedule for a specific time block. If it means two fewer episodes of The Office at night, then it has to be done. 

We get 24 hours in a day and we can all prioritize thirty minutes at a minimum.

2. “It’s been so long since I’ve worked out”

Good. It won’t be easy getting back into the groove of things like it was when you were in high school. 

But this means your first workout will be a huge step in the right direction. Look at it as a rebirth of your life. 

Your mood, body, and mental health will improve after the first day of exercising.

3. “I’m already content with my body”

A common misconception many of us have is that working out is strictly to make our bodies look stronger, slimmer, and more desirable. 

But the truth is, fitness does more for your mental health if anything. 

A healthy body means a healthy mind, so even if you don’t see major body differences, you’ll notice your mind operate more smoothly. 

4. “I’m not trying to impress anyone”

Exercising has nothing to do with trying to impress someone. If your only motivation to work out is to find love, then you’re doing it for the wrong reason. 

An individual should exercise because they want to — because it makes them feel better about themselves and walk around with more confidence. 

Your health is on the line, not just trying to impress someone.

5. “I’m not cut out for exercise”

We’re not trying out for American Ninja Warrior out here. Just because we see intense workouts on TV from the P90x or Insanity workouts doesn’t mean that’s the only form of fitness. 

It can be as simple as going for thirty minutes every day and curling dumbells. You know your limits. 

You should know your strength. And you should know what you’re capable of. Train responsibly. 


These five excuses happen all around the world, just in different languages. We’ve all used these excuses at one point or another (including me), but it’s time to put them to an end. 

Without fitness and exercise, we’re going to live our remaining years full of frustration, dissatisfaction, and regret. 

Avoid the disappointment you feel at night before bed, by planning your exercise for the following day and sticking with it.

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.