
Why Hollywood is Quietly Wooing Boise for Settings, Plots, Musicians

Stuart Gustafson
Community Voice

It’s a secret, but then it’s not really a secret that Hollywood film executives are looking at Boise, Idaho, for future movies. It’s not just because of the famous people who either live in , or have lived in, Idaho’s capital city and neighboring areas. So, why then are the producers and directors of movies with eight- and nine-figure scripts roaming around the Treasure Valley?

Real talent is always in demand

“There is no substitute for real talent,” one Hollywood executive recently said. Sure, there are plenty of people in the Los Angeles basin who want to break into TV or movies, but what are they doing until they “get their break”? Waiting tables; running errands; bagging groceries -- they’re doing anything to have a paycheck to pay the rent and buy their own groceries.

All you have to do is watch any game show or other production that pulls people from “the region,” and most of the people who say they are actors (or actresses) will eventually admit that they are currently working at a restaurant or some other similar hourly job “to pay the bills.” The people in Boise who are actually being scouted out aren’t working at a Red Robin, a McDonalds or even at a Ruth’s Chris restaurant.

Why not?

Because they aren’t actually trying to break into the Hollywood scene. Or, they’ve already made it there, and they’ve chosen to live a more laid-back life in the Gem State of Idaho where Boise is the largest and the capital city.

So who are these people that the Hollywood execs are looking for?

They’re looking for the musicians at Treefort Music Festival who are drawing crowds of people of all ages and backgrounds. Single-genre musicians are a dime a dozen. the talent scouts want artists who appeal to people of all ages and stages. This creates a security blanket because there will be some people who are guaranteed to like the music. Maybe not all, but at least they won’t be a total bust.

There are several community theaters in Boise, and the talent is strong in each one of them. There is Boise Little Theater, Boise Contemporary Theater, and Stage Coach Theater to name the three most prominent groups. Each of them maintains a cast of talent, and it would not be surprising to see the names of former members of the troupes listed in the cast of characters in future movies.

Boise is also home to plethora of writers of short stories, novels, and screenplays. Most of the screenplays are written “on spec,” but it’s very possible that some of them will end up on the big screen.

What all of this means is that if you have talent, you just might noticed from a Hollywood executive who says, “Would you like to go to Hollywood?”

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Stuart Gustafson
Articles on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday about travel, relevant local/regional items, some finance. Always with a slant to ask you t...