Why You Should Stop Being Realistic

Domagoj Vidovic
Community Voice

Photo by kelvin octa from Pexels

How many times has this happened to you?

A wonderful idea appears in your mind; you enthusiastically present it to someone.

“Be realistic” — they say to you.

It’s not their fault; rather a social issue in general. But you, as an individual, have the power to break the mass patterns.

Let everyone else be realistic; and you — live in that magical, unrealistic world.

Who Wasn’t Realistic?

You’re probably reading this article on your powerful laptop or smartphone.

Were the founders of those companies realistic?

Were the people behind anything you use every day — realistic?

This might be moonshots, and you don’t have to become another Steve Jobs.

But how about YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram starts you follow?

What about people who created financial independence through online businesses?

They didn’t create something gigantic like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.

But they live the life of their dreams because they do what they love, have freedom, and earn just a few thousand dollars every month.

You don’t need billions to be happy.

Breaking the Social Pattern

It’s been like this for a long time. You go to school, get a job, a mortgage. Retire at the age of 65, then die.

It doesn’t have to be like that. But it’s deeply rooted into the masses’ mindset — it’s their reality. Nothing else is possible in their universe.

Although I’m sure life can be amazing at 65 — I know that it’s quite astonishing when you’re 25. Or 35. Or 45.

Just because these social patterns had a huge influence on you, you don’t have to stick with them for the rest of your life.

You might live in your little comfort zone; doing a job you don’t care so much about.

But that’s not an excuse to continue with it.

The power of the internet is exceptional, and your creative mind can create many fun and profitable ideas.

How Can You Do It?

Let’s be honest — we’re all different, and there’s no quick step-by-step guide for achieving this.

But there are many actions that apply to all of us, and you can grasp their power.

You ended up having your current mindset by following the role models around you. If everyone speaks about mediocre life, you’ll see no further than that.

The key here — is to change everyone!

You don’t want to listen to unmotivated stories. Your role models should be people who have already achieved what you want.

There’s an enormous number of exceptional people on this planet. You can’t surround yourself with them — but you can with their knowledge.

Follow the great authors on News Break. Listen to the advice from extraordinary people on YouTube. Buy a self-development book full of wisdom. Know thyself — meditate.

Let this pattern slowly becoming your mindset. This isn’t a quick process. It’s a lifelong journey.

When you hear anything that isn’t aligned with your new mindset, just be aware that those people aren’t evil. Their current mindset doesn’t allow them to think in an unlimited way.

Give them permission to have their own attitude. But don’t let it touch you. Don’t learn from it.

Your only materials should be wonderful books, platforms, and anything else you find on your journey.

Your Skepticism Can Hold You Back

Suddenly, you’re surrounded with so many success stories, so much great knowledge.

Sometimes, it can sound like complete rubbish to you.

But that’s only because of your old mindset. It takes time for it to adapt and trust the new changes.

Even though you don’t completely believe something — just stick with it. The stuff you’ll be exploring is extremely powerful — and sometimes you’re just not on a high enough level to grasp it.

Revisit that thing in a few months — and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

You’ll be able to understand it immediately. Sometimes, you’ll notice that you’ve already adopted it unconsciously.

Believe in the amazing minds around you. You will progress much faster.

This Is Just A Start

And it’s the hardest part.

You need to be consistent. You need to break your old patterns.

It requires a lot of energy to change the present flow.

Don’t overthink too much if you’re not nailing it immediately. Just stick with it.

Learn something new every day. Go to bed just a little bit wiser than in the morning.

Over the long run, the effects can be astonishing. Everything for you will change.

If you start this journey, you’ll see that the steps I gave you right now — are enough.

YouTube will start to recommend similar videos and channels.

Googling the author of your amazing self-development book will lead you to a dozen of new great authors.

Once you dive deeply into this, you’re completely surrounded by it.

New ideas and materials just start to appear.

And that’s exactly what you want. You’ll become what’s around you.

Start slowly. You’ll see that you’ll start to leave your old patterns behind you.

Everything will magically start to change.

In just one or two years, the progress you’ll experience will be phenomenal. There aren’t words to describe this.

It might seem like a long time — but what is this compared to the rest of your lifetime?

It’s just a fraction of it. This could be the best investment of time in your life if you take it seriously.

Millions of regular people around you have already done that.

You’re the same as they. And you can do it too.

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Domagoj Vidovic
Doing my best to share the hottest news with you