
Exploring Fisher Park in Ocala, Florida: An excellent park for kids and parents alike

Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Community Voice
"My favorite part was the slide because I like going down it, but I liked the swing and trees, too." Liam, age 3

Photo by the author/ Fisher Park in Ocala, Florida

What we loved:

What we would have liked:

Exploring Fisher Park in Ocala, Florida

The other day my boys and I ventured to Fisher Park at 900 SE 22nd St, Ocala, FL 34471.

Conveniently located near the Cornerstone School and St John Lutheran School, Fisher Park is a perfect destination for kids after the last bell.

My boys loved the spinny carousel, "springy frog," and swings.

Visitors have their choice of two regular swings, one bucket swing, or one sitting swing.

Other highlights: The outdoor elliptical that overlooks the playground is perfect for parents (and made it possible for me to fit in 10 minutes of cardio).

The slide comes equipped with safe stairs and handrails, which made my three-year-old feel super comfortable. And, let's not forget the small climbable yellow structure - smaller than a jungle gym, my boys still enjoyed it.


Photo by the author/ A three-year-old climbs the play structure

To the left of the playground sits a giant bench swing capable of fitting four people and a cement weaving path leading to an adjacent street.

The large field beside the playground is perfect for playing sports and games. There's also a picnic table located by a garbage can and recycling pail. And there's a grill if you want to come and cook some burgers.

Not a fan of picnic tables? You can also sit on the park bench and watch your kids play.

"It's nice to have places to sit." Parker, age 5

Although it was in the high 80s when we visited Fisher Park, most of the park sits under shady trees.

Speaking of trees, my boys spent a half-hour climbing them. So, the nature at this playground makes a visit more than worthwhile.

Trust me, I'm not the only fan. Another mother there told me that this is her favorite park in Ocala because it has trees to climb and a big open field.

A side note: While we were there, workers were bushwacking and mowing the lawn with two large tractors.

But even though it was loud and dust came towards us, it was nice to see the Ocala Parks and Rec maintaining the park.

The lowdown

Overall, Fisher Park in Ocala, Florida, is a beautiful playground located in a nice neighborhood and nearby local schools.

It features modern, fun equipment for the kids and an elliptical for the parents.

My boy's ages three and five, both enjoyed themselves, and with a picnic table, elliptical, and giant swing that seats 4, so did I.

In a nutshell, Fisher Park is an excellent Ocala park for kids and parents alike.

More fun facts about Fisher Park in Ocala, Florida

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Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Hi, I'm Amanda - a freelancing mama who writes about family, travel, holidays, and more! In addition to freelancing it up, I'm a Cont...