How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?

Devin Arrigo
Community Voice

Here’s Why Your New Year’s Resolution to Get Healthy Always Fails

Photo Via Unsplash

When I was in high school, I made a New Year’s resolution to once and for all destroy my nickname as the “tall, skinny guy.” After years of carrying the title with shame, enough was enough.

“Starting January 1st, I’m going to work out and get bigger, stronger, and finally lose that nickname”, I told myself.

Several weeks from the New Year, I started planning and preparing — getting ready to start immediately with my new workout plan. I researched the best training strategies, what to eat, when and how to train, and even the best methods to put on weight.

I was ready to transform my body and finally destroy the nickname that I hated so much.

Nonetheless, when the New Year rolled around, I ended up sleeping in until noon rather than attacking my shiny, new goal. I was unmotivated and fell right back into the same habits that owned me before. The worst part — I continued to carry the nickname that I hated so much.

Waiting for January 1st is a Sure-Fire Way to Fail

The truth is that I wasn’t ready to actually make a change in my life yet. I wanted to no longer be the “tall, skinny guy,” but I didn’t want to put in the work to make it happen.

If I really wanted to banish that nickname once and for all, I would have started immediately — not waited until the New Year.

By waiting until January 1st, I set myself up for failure before I even started. I subconsciously set the tone for procrastination from the get-go, leading to the all-too-often outcome of fizzling out quickly.

If you actually want to change your life and get in better shape, you need to start today. Waiting for January 1st will not miraculously make it easier.

The truth is, regardless of if you start today, tomorrow, or next year — it’s going to be uncomfortable.

If feeling better, gaining confidence, or getting a 6-pack is important to you, you need to start right now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. And definitely not at the start of the New Year.

Waiting until January 1st to start getting in better shape is ridiculous. As entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and internet personality, Gary Vaynerchuck once said:

“Waiting miraculously until the calendar flips to make your life better is silly.” Via Unsplash

Stop Waiting, Planning, and Preparing and Just Go

No amount of planning, preparation, or procrastination will make getting in shape any easier. Whether you start today, tomorrow, or on January 1st, it’s going to be uncomfortable. It’s going to be difficult.

But, if you start today, January 1st will be easier than if you decided to wait until the New Year.

If getting in better shape is a priority in your life, no planning or preparation can actually make the change for you. You have to start by taking action. You have to get up off your butt and actually do something.

Walk around the block. Take the kids to the park. Ride your bike around the neighborhood. Pull out that dusty old yoga mat. Do some pushups.

It doesn’t have to be complicated or complex. But in order to start making progress, you do have to start. You have to do something.

As the ancient Chinese philosopher and writer, Lao Tzu, once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

Don’t wait until January 1st to take the step that could completely change your life.

Please Don’t Hit it and Quit It

I’ve been there. The journey to getting in better shape seems long, complicated, and lonely. But it doesn't have to be that way if you don’t want it to.

The truth is, getting in shape is not complicated. According to The Mayo Clinic, all it takes is 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day. That could be a light jog around the neighborhood, an evening bike ride, or simply playing in the yard with your kids.

However, to stay in shape, you have to consistently do this over a long period of time.

You can’t work out for three hours today and expect to be “good” for the next two weeks.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Health and fitness is an ongoing pursuit. No amount of work you put in today will allow you to quit tomorrow. To stay in shape, you have to keep working on it.

The best way to do this is by doing a little bit each day.

Oftentimes when people start working out, they’ll bite off much more than they’re ready to chew on.

“I’m going to run 5 miles every day for the next 4 months!”

While it’s incredibly admirable, more times than not, this leads to burnout and missing the goal completely. Start slow, take your time to build the habit of working out, stay consistent, and you will eventually find yourself in the shape you’ve always wanted.

Final Thoughts

The body you’ve always wanted is achievable. Through discipline, hard work, and dedication, you can get in the best shape of your life. However, waiting for the New Year to roll around is not the best way to attack it.

If you’re truly passionate about changing your life, start today. Don’t wait for tomorrow or January 1st. Waiting and procrastinating will not make it any easier. But if you start today, it will make January 1st that much easier.

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Devin Arrigo
Marathon runner | Triathlete | Personal growth addict | Writing about creative ways to become a better human being. devin.arrigo1@gma...