
Taking Your Small Business To The Next Level: 11 Top Tips

Andre Oentoro
Small BusinessCanva

Owning a business can be a highly rewarding and lucrative quest. Many small businesses struggle when it comes to take your business to the next level.

Fortunately, there are many simple steps that you could consider taking to help your business grow and thrive.

Here are our top tips to leveling up your small business.

Set Ambitious Goals

Having a clear goal to work towards can ensure that you and your business progress in the right direction. Goals should be ambitious but achievable. Having an unachievable goal can demoralize you and your staff should you not reach it.

Reasonable goals can motivate, help you focus, help your business grow and give you clear and tangible signs of progress. Where possible, it can help to have a precise goal. For instance, instead of having a goal like leveling up your business, decide what leveling up means to your team, assign it a metric, and focus on that. This could be increasing sales by 50% or opening another 3 store locations in a new city.

Go The Extra Mile With Customer Service

Customer service is crucial to keep consumers coming back to your business. It is an unfortunate fact that people tend to go online to write about negative experiences more than excellent ones. Going above and beyond with customer service can help to ensure that the majority of reviews your business receives are positive ones.

Customer feedback can be crucial to help you improve the customer experience. It can also help to show that you are listening and changing with the input you receive.

If you consistently deliver a “WOW” customer experience, you’ll create raving fans which increases word of mouth referrals!

Never Stop Learning

There is always something new to learn in business. Even skills that you may not automatically think are applicable to business and strategy can profoundly impact the way you work and run your company.

If returning to the classroom doesn’t exactly fill you with excitement, there are many different ways that you can learn nowadays. Self-paced courses, webinars, reading, and online courses are all excellent ways to learn new skills.

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Streamline Your Advertising Efforts

Advertising is crucial for growing your business. A combination of traditional and digital advertising can benefit most small businesses, but if you want to move to the next level, then a focus on digital advertising is a must.

It can be daunting to know how and where to start with digital marketing. There are many different facets to it, and to be effective, you will need to find the combination that works for your business.

If you’re looking for a holistic and performance-driven ad strategy, it may help to get the advice and help of a programmatic advertising agency. Programmatic advertising allows you to streamline your advertising campaigns across different digital channels in one single platform. Using a professional agency like War Room will give you the expert advice you need to make the very best use of digital advertising.

Invest In Your People

Having the best people is essential to a successful business enterprise. Simply hiring the best staff isn’t enough to maintain success – you need to continually develop and invest in your employees. Whether it be enrolling them in a professional development course they’re interested in or having them attend a national industry conference -- it has the dual impact of improving staff retention and increasing the expert knowledge within your business.

It may also help to have clear career paths in mind for your team members. If you succeed in taking your business to the next level, rewarding those who have been invaluable in your success is critical.

Focus On Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is essential to keep on top of your game. While it may be tempting to work all hours to reach your goals, this can quickly lead to burnout. Keeping you and your team physically and mentally healthy will enable you to work better, with more innovation and creativity.

Some steps that you could take include getting regular exercise, ensuring you get enough sleep each night, and engaging in mindfulness and meditation when things get stressful.

You could also consider making mental wellbeing an integral part of your company ethos. You might consider encouraging mentally healthy practices among your staff and have information on how to get help if they are struggling. Hosting yoga or meditation sessions during lunch hours once a week could be an option!

Ask For Help

It could help to find advice from someone in your industry who has made the leap that you are attempting. There are many ways that you could find a business mentor that could be of help to some small business owners. Having a coach and cheerleader can be motivating.

You could also consider partnering up with a more established business so that you can have the advantage of two business heads rather than one. This can create fruitful partnerships and even result to form new business ventures.

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Stay Up To Date With Technology

Technology is always changing. New innovations are making business management more efficient and cost-effective than ever before. You might consider taking some time out of your week to research the latest developments in your industry. Incorporating new technology into your business may seem daunting, but the benefits can be well worth it. Cost-cutting schemes like BYOD can help your employees hit the ground running and save you from buying equipment.

It is also worth growing and cultivating your social media following. As a small business, you may already have a loyal follower base, but with the proper use of quality content marketing, you may be able to improve your brand reach significantly.

If you're jump in the digital marketing strategy, you should optimize your content and search engine called SEO. Use SEO agency tools to make it easier for you.

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Keep Cyber Safe

Cybersecurity is crucial in today’s world. You will need to protect your business and customers’ sensitive data from potential cybercrime.

It could help to do some research into the types of cybersecurity out there. You should choose a security system that you trust and has all of the protections you might require. The better your cybersecurity infrastructure, the better your business is positioned to grow and thrive.

Manage And Review Your Cash Flow

Every business owner knows that cash flow is crucial. If your cash flow isn’t what you would like it to be, that may make expanding and growing your business difficult. You could consider having a review of your business expenses and income and see where and how you could streamline processes and cut unnecessary costs.

It could help to enlist the services of an accountant if you haven’t already. Accountants will be able to review your income and cash flow to let you know how and where you could save money. While spending money to save money may seem counter-intuitive, the advice of a professional can be invaluable and save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

Revamp Your Brand

If you are launching a drive to grow your business, you could consider having a revamp of your business brand. Rebranding can be a lengthy process, so it is best to do it early and ensure that you are entirely happy with your brand.

Consider your business name, logo, and aesthetic. These should be simple, clear, and memorable. If your company branding is complex or cluttered, that can make it harder for customers to remember you. If you are unsure of how to improve your company’s brand, you could consult a design and branding agency to get ideas on how you can improve.


Taking your small business to the next level can mean many things – opening up new branches, increasing sales, providing unique products and services, and much more. Fortunately, many of the measures you can take to grow your business can help with other areas.

Changing and growing is crucial for your business to thrive. Focusing on improving various elements of your company will ensure your business truly moves to the next level.

Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps business increase conversion rates, ...