
Unwind and Relax this Weekend

Cert. Strength & Conditioning Specialist

by Amanda Jane Snyder


That word feels triggering to me for some reason, maybe because it implies that I'm uptight?

But maybe I am uptight and even when the weekend rolls around I still find myself stock piled with a million things to do.

But this weekend, it’s okay. Relax. I give you permission. Whatever it is you’re worrying about, there is time. There’s always enough time to get what needs to get done, done.⁣

I'm the type of person who never stops, I just can't help it! It feels like a good thing because I can get things done and I’m helping people and iIm achieving goals and growing.⁣ I feel accomplished when I check something off my to-do list. Doesn't everyone?

But this world, especially the U S of A is capitalist. They want us to grind and work hard and exude effort because it benefits capitalism. And if I've learned anything from quarantine is that you can still be productive without feeling like death. AND you're still a wonderful person even without productivity.

And you’re a unique and special human who doesn’t need to function in the same way others do, or the way society tells us we have to.⁣

Your productivity does not determine your worth.⁣

I'm really really working on this!
Do you feel like you’re not successful if you’re not constantly “productive”?

Amanda Jane Snyder is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Mindset Coach living in Brooklyn, NY. She has been vegan for 4 years. She specializes in Strength and Conditioning for Actors, Singers and Dancers.

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Amanda is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach and a Lifestyle/Min...