Give Away What You Love to Benefit Another Soul

Vincent Van Patten
Community Voice

Give away what you don’t need, as well as what you’d rather keep

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It can be emotional to give our things away. We feel what we own is ours. We’ve worked for them, we’ve paid for them, and at one point, they meant something special to us.

Our things remind us of our memories; saying goodbye to them is letting go of the past. Yet, when an experience truly matters, the memory will always remain in our hearts.

I’m in the midst of packing for a move, a rewarding opportunity to simplify, de-clutter, and give away what I no longer need. While that does feel genuine, I’m striving to take it a step further. I’m giving away a few things I still love, too.

There will always be more stuff in our lives. Yet, I believe it’s a valuable skill to get comfortable with less. When we give, we can only benefit from a clearer mind and a cleaner space.

Our clothes are an excellent place to start. When that shirt hangs in the closet for over a year doing nothing but loosening its threads and taking up space, what’s the point of holding on?

It’s easy to say I’ll wear it someday, but if it’s not an essential piece of your wardrobe, let it go. Be generous, and give the gift to someone who needs it more.

When we’re able to say goodbye without wishing for anything in return, then giving benefits the giver as much as it does the receiver. All things come back around when we give from a place of love.

We shouldn’t only give away our unwanted things. What about giving away your favorite shirt that sits perfectly folded, the barely used shoes you tell yourself you’ll wear, or the book that brings you joy whenever you glimpse at the title?

Give away what you love, and that love will benefit another soul. Giving a piece of your heart to a stranger, either person to person, or through an organization where it will be shipped to another part of the world, creates a connection with the universe.

I’ll never forget being in a grocery store in Tokyo with one of my best friends. We were checking out, and the cashier recognized the Los Angeles skate brand, Rip City Skates, on my friend’s bright red hoodie.

His eyes blossomed and his face flushed with excitement. My friend noticed, and took his favorite sweatshirt off his back and gave it to the cashier.

He didn’t know what to say. The man was simply grateful.

My friend left a piece of his heart on the other corner of the globe. He loved that sweatshirt, which made it all the more special to give away.

I’ll always remember my friend’s beautiful gesture. It inspired me to strive to find opportunities to be generous and brighten some unsuspecting person’s day.

Give what you love. Give what you can, and make the world a better place.

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Vincent Van Patten
My name is Vincent Van Patten. This is my home, a place to share who I am and what lights my soul on fire. I’m a writer, media crea...