Aliso Viejo

Aliso Viejo crime map: check your neighborhood safety

Local Alerts You Should Never Miss

Want to check the safety of your neighborhood? We have collected relevant crime data from validated sources to plot it on Google map. For the city of Aliso Viejo, CA, we found 16 Assault, 6 Robbery, 69 Burglary, 52 Theft, 6 Arrest, 7 Vandalism and 218 other crimes in the past month. Stay on top of these numbers with News Break. We will keep you informed on what is happening in your area, so you can feel safe wherever you go.

Recent crimes in your area:

We are also actively developing a real time crime map search service in our app that will allow you to search for crime near any address. Stay tuned for the new tool in a few weeks.
Local Alerts You Should Never Miss
Local Alerts You Should Never Miss. (Icon credit to