How To Feel And Live Like A Billionaire

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Digital Intelligence

I write this piece from my heart. My title may sound like clickbait but it is not. I mean every word in this article. It is a personal story, and I’m hoping it can give useful perspectives to many readers.

Many of us want to be rich. I had this desire when I was younger. Having aspirations and creating goals to achieve them is terrific. However, my aspirations were wrong. They were not serving my life purpose.

Photo by AB on Unsplash

The most dramatic part of my aspiration was to trade off my health for being rich. Aspiration and passion can create noise. They may blind people. This wrong trade-off was my blind spot.

I overlooked the danger in my blindspot until a few life incidents.

One day I became terribly ill. My body was sore. My brain did not function. I lost my appetite.

The luxurious things I dreamt of did not mean anything. Expensive cars, dream homes, holidays meant nothing. All I wanted was to get my health back.

I recovered and felt great again. My ambition did not stop. I started working hard and setting massive goals. The human brain is amazing. We forget things very quickly. Our emotions pull strings.

I had a dream job. I paid my student loans and purchased a home. Even though I had many challenges, I still enjoyed life but always wanted to earn more. The only viable option for me was to set bigger goals and achieve them as quickly as possible.

After each milestone, I was feeling good, but the good feeling was disappearing quickly. I wanted to achieve more and earn more money. I kept myself very busy studying and working at the same time.

When I was around 40 years, my father got an incurable motor neuron disease. It was the same disease that Stephen Hawking had. Until then he was very healthy. He was also ambitious to be rich. Obviously, I got his genes.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

The ALS disease spread through his body quickly, and within 12 months, he lost his mobility. His only option was a wheelchair. This incident made me think differently about wealth.

After a few months, his neurologist doctor said it was impossible for him to walk again. He was unable to do his basic needs. One day, I helped him shower, as he couldn't stand up.

He was desperate and in pain. During the shower, he made a profound statement. I would give all my money just be able to walk again. It is an aha moment for me.

We all know the importance of health. I always reminded myself about health, but I was taking it for granted. Only an emotionally intensive situation, internal or external, can teach us the real meaning of health.

My dad's poignant words echoed in my internal ears. His desperation and vulnerability gave me an epiphany and fresh perspectives.

Within the next 12 months, his motor neuron disease overgrew that it finally touched his throat and adversely affected his breathing system. He was taken to the emergency department and put into intensive care. But artificial systems were unable to keep his breathing. We sadly lost him. He even couldn't say a proper goodbye.

His death was a turning point in my life.

I am a very health-focused person. I have invested in my health for a long time. As a lifelong learner and sensible biohacker, I will try any good thing for keeping myself healthy, fit, and feeling fantastic.

Even though I worked for four decades and earned reasonably good money, I still live a simple life. My friends call me spartan.

My entrepreneurial heart still desires to be wealthy, but I have learned to tame it.

I learned to be happy for no reason. Happiness and joy are in our genes.

I have studied Maslow hierarchy of human needs. From survival to enlightenment, I know every level means something for a human being,

The profound conclusion from my observations, studies, and life experience was that reaching higher levels in the hierarchy did not necessarily require a lot of money.

Living my life with gratitude was an excellent starting point for being like a billionaire.

I’ve read hundreds of biographies of wealthy people.

In every bio I read, the term health topped the list as the most critical item.

Using my health as an anchor, I started my day by showing my appreciation for having excellent health. I could breathe properly, walk, talk, move my body, read, eat, urinate easily. I mention urinating because I had some friends who had terrible kidney disease and lost their organs and survived with machines' help.

Yes, the simple ease of urinating in the morning made me feel like a rich person.

One day I decided to write all my blessings. The list was huge.

I turned each blessing into a statement. Reminding myself of these statements for relevant actions and needs, I experienced a tremendous shift in my mindset.

This positive and optimistic mindset changed my behaviour.

My work was not stressing me anymore. I managed to transform it into a joyful hobby.

Having a joyful hobby is an indication of richness for me.

Photo by Trung Thanh on Unsplash

Being mindful every second and enjoying whatever the moment presents turned out to be the best lifestyle choice for me.

I started feeling like a billionaire without having cash or assets of billions of dollars.

Earning adequate money to buy my food, to pay my mortgage and bills made me grateful at the survival level. Having family, friends, relatives and community members satisfied my social needs and made my limbic system happy.

By reading and writing, I managed to connect with others. My words touched the minds and hearts of others. This spiritual connection helped me experience going beyond my identity. This remarkable feeling allowed me to experience the highest level of human needs.

I don't have billions of dollars in my bank account, but I feel like a billionaire.

I know that when it is time for me to say goodbye to this world, my assets and money in my bank account will not follow me. Why should I accumulate more than I need?

I worked for forty years and did not become a billionaire. But I feel and live like a billionaire each day.

My most significant assets are my health, connections, well-functioning brain, and my joyful heart, shining with gratitude each moment.

Thank you for reading my perspectives.


Simple & Powerful Life-Transforming Bio-Hacks
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Dr Mehmet Yildiz
I write about important and valuable life lessons. My goal is to delight my readers. My content aims to inform and engage my readers....