
You can look like me and still be sick.⁣

Cert. Strength & Conditioning Specialist

You can look like me and still be sick.⁣

Years of certain bad habits have lead me to where I am. Inflammation and gut issues.⁣

You can look like me and still be sick.⁣⁣

But it took me 10 years to find out because no one would suspect or question my health just by looking at me.⁣ Conversely, people who don’t fit the mold of society’s standard of beauty are told that they look sick even if there’s nothing wrong with them. They go to the doctor simply for a yearly check up and are told they need to change, and not just by the doctor. They are reminded daily by our arbitrary societal standards and by the lack of inclusivity of people who look like them in the media.⁣⁣

I’m not saying all fat people are healthy or all skinny people are unhealthy. I'm not saying all fat people are unhealthy or all skinny people are healthy. I’m merely saying that representation matters, and if we want to cultivate a healthy world where there’s less sick people, this means having representation of ALL people across all platforms exercising. And not just exercising, all people of all shapes, sizes, and colors represented across all facets of the media.⁣

Your physical appearance is not a determinant of your health. Your physical appearance is not a determinant of your ability. As a personal trainer who works mainly with actors, singers, and dancers, we see this all the time in the broadway/theater community. Judging someone’s dance ability based on their looks; casting someone in particular roles because they look a certain way, not because of their actual talent.⁣⁣

Everyone should be exercising because movement is medicine. But we don’t need to be exercising with our only goals as aesthetic goals. Aesthetics should never determine casting. ⁣⁣

Do you design your workouts with aesthetics in mind or performance in mind? I'm curious to know!

Amanda Jane Snyder is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Mindset Coach living in Brooklyn, NY. She has been vegan for 4 years. She specializes in Strength and Conditioning for Actors, Singers and Dancers.

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Amanda is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach and a Lifestyle/Min...