
Exercise to Support Your Menstrual Cycle

Cert. Strength & Conditioning Specialist

by Amanda Jane Snyder

Should you be exercising in a way that supports your menstrual cycle? Does your menstrual cycle matter when it comes to exercise choice?

Maybe you've thought of these questions before or maybe it's never come to mind. The unfortunate reality, especially in the United States, is that our society has been driven and curated by misogynistic and capitolistic ideals. Leaving many people, but women espeically, over worked and exhausted.

The bottom line is that women and men are built differently. We have different needs. And although I support all types of exercise for women, I think it's important to consider WHEN we as women should be utilizing these different motems of exercise, and when not to.

So do we exercise to support our menstrual cycyle?

During the luteal phase or pre menstruation, we might experience a bit more fatigue. This is NOT the time to do high intensity interval training or extreme power lifting. Listen to your body. Do you feel fatigued? A HIIT workout is probably not going to be the answer. I recommend lighter exercise like yoga, pilates, a lighter resistance training workout, or a long walk. You may feel this fatigue into the first two days of your period as well. Rest! It's okay. Your body will thank you.

A few days into your bleeding and after your menstrual flow, you may experience a bit more of an energy boost! This is the time to go for that hard training session, long distance run, or competetive athleticism.

Bottom line is, follow what your body is telling you. Grab a menstrual tracking app and track your cycle. Does it align with with how your body is feeling? Listen to your body. If you're feeling fatigue, it's likely that you should rest and rejuvenate yourself. If you're feeling energized, go for it! But what we shouldn't be doing is PUSHING ourself. That leads to burn out and potential chronic illness overtime. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

Amanda Jane Snyder is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Mindset Coach living in Brooklyn, NY. She has been vegan for 4 years. She specializes in Strength and Conditioning for Actors, Singers and Dancers.

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Amanda is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach and a Lifestyle/Min...