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NYC Lockdown: These Little Habits Could Change Your Life

J Free
Community Voice

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

New Year's resolutions are hard to keep up. Instead of setting unattainable goals, take small steps that go a long way.

You’ve probably already made some big goals for the rest of 2021 (and given up on some by now). You’ve promised yourself to go to the gym (at least after the pandemic, while you opt for at-home workouts for the time being), to eat healthier foods, to get more fresh air.

But what about the countless other areas of your life that you’re hoping to improve?

The well-known rule is that it takes around 90 days to develop a permanent habit. So if you can permanently stick with any of these small efforts, you'll be sure to notice the tremendous benefits over time.

These 13 little *health-unrelated* things will be relatively easy to implement into your lifestyle, but are incredibly rewarding:

Start or end your day thinking of one thing that you're grateful for

You'll learn to appreciate the little things in life, making you overall more mindful and content.

Read one book each month

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

If you like a challenge you can check off your to-do list at the end of the year, try reading one book each month, no matter what kind. Even if you're not an avid reader, it can be done, and it will leave you with some extra knowledge each month. Who knows, you might even start enjoying it.

Put your phone down

Photo by Plann on Unsplash

Give your eyes and restless mind a break. Your stiff neck will also thank you for it.

Actually use the screen time limiting feature

If you don't have enough self-control to distance yourself from your phone, make use of that screen time limiting feature you once frowned upon.

Do a good deed

“If you want to feel happy, do something for yourself. If you want to feel fulfilled, do something for someone else.” - Simon Sinek

Enough said.

Stop spending unnecessary cash

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

That coffee you get at the corner shop every morning to treat yourself can add up quickly. By saving those $3 a day (which might not seem like a lot by itself), you can end up with some extra cash at the end of the month very easily.

Always put extra change aside

A small habit that can amount to nice sums of money if you stick to it.

Invest in one good, expensive thing instead of splurging on random stuff

Ask yourself if you really need that phone case in five different colors, and use that money to invest in something more valuable that you can use for many, many years. Like a new phone (which might need a different sized case—see my point?).

Ask for help

Get over your fear of depending on others and ask for help when you need it. Life will become so much easier.

Quit complaining about everything

Have you ever caught yourself complaining about unnecessary things? Yeah, me too. It's annoying when other people do it, so take your own actions into consideration, too. Don't sweat the small stuff and try to complain less.

Stop making promises

It's okay to fail a goal you set for yourself. It's okay to feel like you couldn't get everything done. Goals and incentives are good, but stop making promises to yourself (and to others) that you know you can't keep.

Say yes

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

...because you never know what opportunities it might bring.

Acknowledge your little accomplishments

Yes, I mean all of the above, and the countless other little things you committed to doing. Just because they seem banal, doesn't mean they're any less important. Remember, you're doing amazing.

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J Free
Journalist who is always on a mission to spread kindness and compassion