Simple Mood-Boosting Mantras To Start your Day On a Positive Note

Health & Wellness By Karla
Community Voice
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It's not every day that we wake up with determination to crush our daily tasks, highly motivated to make the best out of every moment. And if we're being completely honest, these days can easily creep up and become more common than we'd want them too. Here are some simple mood-boosting mantras to start any day on a positive note!

Mantras are extremely powerful when used right and saying them out loud, even as a whisper makes them stronger. In the beginning, it might even sound silly, so writing it down is always an option, but try saying them out loud and feeling their weight.

Gratitude Mantras

Starting your day by thinking and saying how grateful you are for the specific things in your life will uplift your mood and invoke feelings of happiness and joy. Start with a few things every day and don't limit yourself to what your mind starts thinking of.

Usually, people start with the big things, like having a healthy and loving family, a roof over their heads, and food on their table. As time goes by, they start seeing the little things as well, like a kind barista that finally got their name right, cozy bathrobe they get to put on every morning after a warm shower, and having blueberry pancakes for breakfast because they're their favorite kind.

As more of these things begin filling up your list, the more positive your attitude will be because you'll realize there's so much to be grateful for and look forward to every single day.

Open-Heart Mantras

We can't know what each day brings, but we can absolutely make sure we focus on thinking only positive about it. Instead of worrying and saying "What if I end up late for my meeting," shift your perspective and say "I am absolutely going to make it in time."These small wording adjustments make all the difference as you're setting up a completely different tone to your frenzy, slept-through-my-alarm kind of morning. Allow yourself to open your heart to a positive outcome of your situation and strongly believe it's possible.If you start it up on a negative note and get all anxious and nervous, there's a big chance that A) not only will you be late for your meeting, but also B) that you'll forget something important in the process, get all distracted and spill something on your shirt, get into the worst traffic jam, and also leave your keys in your apartment and slam the door shut.

Opening your heart to positive possibilities and shifting your perspective is key to making them happen or at least not feeling so blue if the worst-case scenario really does come true.

Love Yourself Mantras

The majority of us don't feel like Beyoncè when we wake up and often scrutinize ourselves for flaws, whether physical, emotional, or behavioral. Learning to love yourself in every situation, shape, or form, without any conditions or boundaries is hard, so taking it step-by-step is the best way to do it.

Morning mantras that focus on self-love can tremendously help you in that as they set the tone for the day ahead of you and work wonders for your self-esteem. You can start by writing yourself sticky notes and putting them up all over your house so you get reminded to read them and re-read them whenever you pass them by.You can also write yourself a list of your favorite attributes and read it out loud every morning, reminding yourself of who you are and what you're made of.

This is a great way to start your day from a place of love and positivity rather than doubt and insecurity.

Motivational Mantras

So you had a bad day yesterday? Brush it off and start again. Every day is a new possibility and a new opportunity to turn it all around. Treating each day as such will boost your motivation on even the gloomiest mornings and help you focus on making the best out of it.

Sometimes you'll need to dig deeper into yourself and figure out what motivates you the most, and sometimes it'll come easy and natural, without any struggle. Once again, you can put it to paper or say it out loud and solidify the meaning of your words. Even a simple "It's all going to work out fine," or "Let's crush it!" will do more than you think.

Accepting Mantras

And then there are things you can't control and change in your life, no matter what kind of mantra you attribute to it. Accepting them for what they are and not trying to change them will help you more than you think as you'll be redirecting your energy into something better and more worthy of your time and effort.

Once you clear yourself from thinking of those aspects of your life you can't do much about, you'll be free to focus on those you can, turning the negative into positive once again. By no means is this easy, but it's a work in progress, and the more you do it, the better and easier it gets.

Learning how to let go of things that don't serve you or simply aren't under your control is one of the best things you can do for yourself as you're not letting it weigh you down. You're liberating yourself from their hold and allowing yourself to breathe freely.

Mantras may have gained popularity in recent years, but they've been around for much more than that - and fora good reason! Try implementing these ones into your morning routine and feel your perspective change.

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Health & Wellness By Karla
Everything you want to know about health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition in one place :)