
How Dreaming Can Change Your Life

Cert. Strength & Conditioning Specialist

by Amanda Jane Snyder

How Dreaming Can Change Your Life

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I Dare You to Dream. Do you take the time to day dream anymore.

What are your craziest, wildest, most beautiful dreams that you have for yourself?

Dream it up and write down.

Life is distracting and serious and full of hustle and flow and adulting and scheduling and work and relationships and this and that and the other thing.

But do you ever take the time to dream? Dreaming can change your life and so I dare you to dream and I'll ask again...

What are your craziest, wildest, most beautiful dreams that you have for yourself?

Write it down and memorize it. Know it like you know the back of your hand. Know it like you know your childhood house phone number or the route you take on your way to work or your morning tooth brushing routine.

Know it like it’s real. As if it exists. Because it can and it will.

If we only base our life off of reality, off of what’s in front of us, off of the standard blueprint we’ve been told, how ever could NYC be filled with a towering skyline, or how ever could the technology you’re reading this off of come to exist, or how could a black and brown woman be in the second highest office in our country.

I dare you to dream because dreams turn into reality if only we can dare to dream it first.

What dreams are you manifesting in the month of February?

Amanda Jane Snyder is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Mindset Coach living in Brooklyn, NY. She has been vegan for 4 years. She specializes in Strength and Conditioning for Actors, Singers and Dancers.

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Amanda is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach and a Lifestyle/Min...