
Things You Should Know Before Getting These Dog Breeds

Arrogant Cat

There are pros and cons for every breed of dog, but it's important to have all the information before you commit to caring for a furry friend for the next 10 to 20 years. Doing your research ensures that you will get a pet that is well suited to your lifestyle.

Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are a strong breed of dog and are known to be excellent sled pullers. These dogs were made to work, so they have a lot of energy. They also do very well in cold climates.

These dogs can be stubborn and are known for their tendency to run away when the leash is released. You need to establish serious training in the early years to ensure that an adult husky listens to you and stays by your side.


Chihuahuas look pretty innocent. They are one of the smallest dog breeds, so you would think they are also one of the safest. The point is, since Chihuahuas are small, they have to be very stubborn and aggressive to protect themselves from larger animals.

While you can train a Chihuahua to respect people, if you are not firm enough they can turn on you and even attack young children who provoke them. They also tend to be jealous of young children.

French bulldog

The French Bulldog is a playful breed of dog, but it can prey on humans in your home who are not that stubborn. If you are considering acquiring a French Bulldog and you have young children, you need to teach them to be assertive but gentle with these dogs.

French Bulldogs can also develop many health and breathing problems due to their flat faces. This could lead to expensive veterinary bills down the road.


Greyhounds were bred for racing and are known for their incredible speed and energy. In fact, they can exceed speeds of 40 mph! Greyhounds are friendly and intelligent, and very affectionate with their family.

One aspect that owners may have trouble with is that if left outside without a leash, this breed of dog tends to run away, which can be dangerous in street traffic. It is recommended that homeowners have a backyard fence with a minimum height of 4 to 6 feet to prevent a greyhound from jumping the fence and running into the street.


Beagles have a lot of good qualities: they are a good size, they are usually quite friendly and they are sure to be adorable. But before you bring one home, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Since they were bred as hunting dogs, they need a lot of exercise - far more than the average pet owner can provide. Beagles are also prone to wanderlust and can become crafty escape artists when they want to go out!

Pit bull

It's no wonder pit bulls are on this list. They definitely have a reputation for being aggressive bullies with a fierce bite. The truth is that most pit bulls make excellent pets, but some of them have been trained for dog fighting. When pit bulls bite, they bite hard, but most of them are not aggressive.

Still, you have to be careful around pit bulls you don't know. These dogs need you to be the leader of the pack.

Arrogant Cat
Arrogant Cat