China Wins Trade War With the U.S.

Tree Langdon
Community Voice

Their new infrastructure is a power play.

by StockSnap from Pixabay

China is building huge projects to access markets in the East.

Even Russia and Africa are involved.

It's called the One Belt, One Road project.

Now China’s going West. They’re also going North, and South.

China is reviving these routes and adding several more.

They are investing in many mega projects that will give them access to markets all over Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

These projects link two major trade corridors.

They connect China with Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.

One corridor is by land and one by sea.

They are calling it the One Belt, One Road project.

BELT includes three rail and road projects.

ROAD is the maritime Silk Road route.

It’s a massive undertaking.

I‘ve seen part of the construction.

Why build trade routes to Africa?

China needs access to two things: markets and resources.

It’s a long term view.

by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Africa has a wealth of resources and low-cost labor.

China has many advantages over the West.

In the past, other countries couldn’t exploit these resources because they were too remote.

The Chinese have a long term vision.

They also have the resources to finance huge development projects.

They will work with countries with poor human rights track records.

They have fewer constraints.

China is planning to build the whole thing.

It’s strategic.

This infrastructure gets them political support from the countries they invest in.

They also gain a huge market.

Either way, it’s a major power play.

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Tree Langdon
I love to connect humanity to technology. I write news, and fiction, exploring Worldview plots. Was a CGA/CPA in a past life. I have...