
3 Joyful Exercises for Low-Fat, Lean Muscles, and Dense Bones

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Digital Intelligence

I use the incredibly useful workout tools every day to maintain my strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Fitness is a passion for me. I do it as a ritual at home nowadays.

I used to go to the gym and love the rituals. However, nowadays, it is difficult for me to go to the gym. Not going to the gym does not mean giving up fitness goals. I created a customised gym at home for my specific needs.

I perform a wide variety of workout regimes. As I get older, the type of exercises changed a lot. I used to do a lot of cardio when I was younger. My main focus is weight training, resistance training, callisthenics, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and mild cardio.

The purpose of this post to share with you three joyful exercises I perform a daily basis to keep my lean muscles, bones density, and low-fat percentage.

Even though I passionately work out, my approach to exercise is gentle. For example, instead of using too heavy dumbbells, I prefer using my body weight. It is natural and produces the required outcomes for me.

Let me introduce you the three simple exercise I do almost every day to maintain my low-body fat percentage, lean muscles, and dense bones.

Apart from a few hundred push-ups, I use the pull-up machine every day.

1 - Pull-Up Machine

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

I found the pull-up machine a most effective strength, resistance, and weight training tool. Pull-ups can be used to develop strength and mildly increase muscle mass, focusing on the large muscles of the back and the biceps. They are ideal to keep lean muscles.

Having a pull-up machine at home and doing several pull-ups in the mornings and the evenings after work turned into a good habit for me. On the days I cannot go to the gym, the pull-up machine has been my first go-to workout tool at home.

I have an interesting background with pull-up machines. Initially, I was able to do only five pull-ups with incredible difficulty. All my body was shaking and getting sore after even one set of five reps.

After years of practice in the gym and at home on my pull-up machine, I can now achieve 20 consecutive pull-ups daily with no recovery time required. It takes only five minutes to do three sets. My body adapted to the stress and created the necessary strength and endurance for it.

I feel great after three sets of 20 pull-ups in the morning.

Purchasing a pull-up machine was one of my best investments.

2 - Indoor Trampoline

Photo by Martin Magnemyr on Unsplash

Trampoline was another excellent investment for my fitness goals.

The trampoline was more expensive than my other fitness gears, but it was one of the best investments and most useful hacks I have ever tried. This simple tool made a significant impact on my health. It became my best friend in the winter, especially on rainy days when I couldn't go out.

I learnt creative ways to use indoor trampoline. Nowadays, I watch some programs on my PC or listen to my favourite Audible books. Those are the times to hop on the trampoline and slowly walk or jump on it.

Using trampoline helps me reduce my stress. It is almost the only cardio I perform. It helps me complete my daily ten thousand steps walking goal, which I habitually monitor through my smartwatch and create patterns as a data-driven person.

I learnt that the use of trampoline has some additional benefits to our health. After learning those benefits, I observed the positive changes in my health. For example, it increased lymphatic flow in my body, hence helped detoxification

Another benefit I found in the literature and verified with my physician was increased skeletal and overall bone density. This is an extra significant benefit for my aging body was music to my ears. I learnt from my fitness consultant that trampoline activity could be preventative for skeletal decay.

Apart from improved other benefits, I also observed that my heart rate does not go as high as in my earlier days. It helped me become fitter.

As a former cardio junkie, I used to run and jog years ago and feel awful afterwards due to my joints' pain. How naive was I! Now jogging, running or hopping on the trampoline, there is no excessive pressure on my joints. Protecting our joints is another preventative measure for premature aging and potential skeletal risks of disease.

Another benefit I gained from jumping on the trampoline in different patterns that I learnt from kids was achieving better balance. A trampoline can stimulate the vestibular and the semicircular canals in the middle ear and improve balance.

Best of all, I did not experience any side effects of hopping on a trampoline. The only risk is falling from the trampoline if not done correctly or not paying attention. Therefore, I ensure that there are no sharp objects around the trampoline, and it is on a smooth carpet in my study room.

I shared my experience with a trampoline in a story on News Break. It is titled 10 Incredible Benefits of Jumping on Trampoline.

3 - The Vibration Machine

My next favourite exercise tool is the vibration machine.

This wonder machine is excellent for overall muscle workout. It is fun and affordable. I usually hop on it for ten minutes and feel that all muscles are worked out gently. I use the vibration machine it before using trampoline and pull-up machine because it helps my muscles to warm up.

The vibration machine was originally designed for the astronauts to keep muscle mass in space, as the fast vibration causes involuntary movements in muscles.

Since I started using a vibration machine long ago, I noticed improvements in my muscle tone and bone density as validated by semi-annual Dexa scans. The Dexa analytics are extra kind to me as they think my biological age is two decades younger than my chronological age.

Using a vibration machine daily also improved my fitness for other cardiovascular exercises. It has also been useful to maintain better balance, improved flexibility and coordination.

Using a vibration machine with a trampoline and pull-up machine at home has been the best combination of a daily exercise regimen for me even if I cannot go out or to the gym for various reasons such as weather conditions, work schedule, or other commitments.

While using the trampoline and vibration machine for cardiovascular purposes, I use the pull-up machine mainly for strength training to keep my lean muscles.

These three convenient exercises helped me to improve my fitness, strength and flexibility. They also provided me with many health benefits for my aging body.

Thank you for reading my perspectives.

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Dr Mehmet Yildiz
I write about important and valuable life lessons. My goal is to delight my readers. My content aims to inform and engage my readers....